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One Diocese, One Book: A Lenten Book Study

Join us in reading and discussing The Night Is Long but Light Comes in the Morning by Dr. Catherine Meeks, former Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing.

This Lenten study invites us to reflect on racial healing, foster dialogue on race and faith, and explore steps toward justice.

Our weekly Zoom discussions happen every Thursday at 6:30 PM CT during Lent.

Upcoming Zoom Dates:
20, 27
Apr 3, 10

Let’s gather in love, worship, & community

Inclusive Louisiana Mass

Reception to follow. Bring a friend!

Monday, March 17th @ 6:00 PM
Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, Hammond

Women Gather in Community

Women’s Gathering in Community Series:

Join women from across the Diocese for a monthly retreat.
When: Second Thursday of each month
Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Where: Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
Loranger, Louisiana

April 10

Topic: Walking with Mary Magdalene to the Cross, the Tomb, and the Garden

Retreat Leader
: The Rev. Susan Gaumer