181st Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Annual Convention: October 26-27, 2018
The 181 Convention of the Diocese of the Episcopal Church of Louisiana was held October 26-27, 2018, at St. Martin’s Episcopal School, 225 Green Acres Rd, Metairie. The Rev. Paul Fromberg was the keynote speaker.
Click here to view photographs from the 181st Annual Convention.
Click here to read an invitation to the 181st Annual Convention from the Rev. Morris K, Thompson, Jr.
Bishop Thompson’s Address to the 181st Annual Convention:
Pre-Convention Meeting:
The pre-Convention Meeting was held on October 9 at St. Augustine’s, Metairie.
Only one resolution was submitted and was subsequently withdrawn.
Nominations & Results:
Secretary of the Diocese
- Marsha Wade (Elected)
Treasurer of the Diocese
- Alan Brackett (Elected)
Standing Committee: 1 Clerical, 1 Lay
Lay Nominees – 1 to be elected
- Fred McCullogh (Elected)
Clerical Nominees – 1 to be elected
- The Rev. John Sloan Miller (Elected)
Executive Board: 1 Clerical, 2 Lay
Lay Nominees – 2 to be elected
- John Musser (Elected)
- Tom Oliver (Appointed by the Bishop to Serve One Year on the Executive Board)
- David Warrington (Elected)
Clerical Nominees – 1 to be elected
- The Rev. AJ Heine (Elected))
Sewanee Board of Trustees: 1 Lay
Lay Nominees – 1 to be elected
- Drew Broach (Elected)
- Ryan Garrity
Disciplinary Board: 1 Clerical; 2 Lay
Lay Nominees – 2 to be elected
- Bennett Ford (Elected)
- Dorothea Sutton (Elected)
Clerical Nominees – 1 to be elected
- The Rev. Stephen Shortess (Elected)
Budget Documents:
2019 Budget Documents for Approval at Convention
Diocesan Operations Full Budget 2019
Assessment and Program Pledges by Congregation 2019
Clergy Minimum Compensation Package 2019
Gaudet Fund Budget 2019
2017 End-of-Year Unaudited Financial Documents
2017 Operations Final Budget Analysis
2017 Diocesan Balance Sheet
Reports to Convention:

1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511
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