185th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

Bishop Thompson's Welcome to the 185th Annual Convention
This year’s theme for our Diocesan convention is Always We Begin Again. It is taken from the wonderful book written by John McQuiston, II. The book is an adaptation of Benedict’s rules for living a spiritual life. I like the title because every day we begin again, we start over, praying and practicing the way of Love. The title also reminds us that this year the Diocese will begin again with a new Bishop. This is the rhythm of the Episcopal tradition. One Bishop resigns and another one is ordained all in an orderly transition.
I ask that in the few days we have left before our gathering you begin to pray for all delegates. Pray for both an ending and a new beginning. Pray that we will begin again with joy and wonder.
Bishop Thompson's Address to Convention
Order of Business 185th Annual Convention
12:30 p.m. Registration Opens (Location: Library)
Vendors Open (Location: Visual Performing Arts Center)
2 p.m. The Holy Eucharist (Location: Lewis Memorial Chapel of the Good Shepherd)
- Bishop’s Address
3:45 p.m. Convention Resumes (Location: Visual Performing Arts Center)
- Call to Order
- Welcome
- Dispatch of Business Resolutions
- Elect Secretary & Treasurer
- Balloting for Offices
- Bishop’s Appointments & Nominations
- Introduction of New Clergy
- First Report of Treasurer to Present 2023 Budget
- Announcements
5:30 p.m. Explore the campus of Episcopal School of Baton Rouge (STEM activities in the Quest Center)
6 p.m. Bishop Morris & Mrs. Rebecca Thompson’s Farewell Party (Location: Quad)
7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast (Location: Quad)
7:30 a.m. Budget Hearing
8 a.m. Registration Opens (Location: Library)
8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer (Location: Visual Performing Arts Center
9:00 a.m. Reconvene Plenary (Location: Visual Performing Arts Center)
- Subsequent Balloting for Offices
- Ministry Reports
- Treasurer’s Report
- Vote to Approve Budget
- Ministry Reports
- Bishop-elect Remarks
- Report on Consecration Weekend
- Courtesy Resolutions
- Invitation to 186th Annual Convention
- Noonday Prayer
12 p.m. Adjourn
No resolutions were submitted.
Nominations to Offices
The Secretary serves as Secretary of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana and The Convention. It shall be his duty to give timely notice of all annual and special meetings of The Convention, to prepare the list of lay members of The Convention, to record and publish the proceedings of The Convention, to preserve its journals and records, to attest, as occasion may require, its public proceedings, and faithfully to deliver into the hands of his successor all books and papers in his possession relative to the concerns of The Diocese and of The Convention.
Nominees- 1 to be elected

Marsha Wade
St. James, Baton Rouge
Church Leadership: Board; St. James Center for Spiritual Formation; St. James Stewardship Committee; Adult Christian Education teacher; Centering Prayer leader; Secretary of the Diocese; Vice Chancellor of the Diocese; Constitution & Canons Committee
Current Employment: Attorney, Information Development, LLC
The Treasurer is elected by The Convention. The duty of the Treasurer to receive and disburse the funds of The Diocese in accordance with the annual budget. The Treasurer shall make an annual report to The Convention of all sums received and disbursed during the preceding year and shall include in such report a statement of the condition of the assets of each Parish and Diocesan Mission with regard to its annual financial commitment to The Diocese for the work of the Church.
Nominees- 1 to be elected

Alan Brackett
Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Vestry; Senior Warden; Finance Committee; Assessment Review Committee
Current Employment: Attorney
The work of the Standing Committee, as set forth in Canon 4, Section 3, of the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, “shall be to fulfill all functions required of it by the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and of The Diocese and to act as a council of advice for The Bishop.” The Standing Committee works with the Commission on Ministry to ensure the canons are followed in regard to the ordination process. This includes interviews with candidates throughout their ordination process. The Standing Committee also processes requests from other dioceses for consent to the election of bishops. The Standing Committee oversees the election process should there be an election for Bishop. The Standing Committee also is required to approve transactions involving any immovable property held in the name of the Diocese. Meetings are held as necessary, with required attendance at the Ministry Conference in January.
Standing Committee members will be most effective if they work will with others, understand and appreciate the complexity of ministry, possess an understanding of sound business practices, and have a deep love of the Lord and of the Church. Standing Committee members serve a term of four years, so consistency and commitment is essential.
Clerical Nominees – 1 to be elected

The Rev. Canon Steven Roberts
Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Standing Committee, Diocese of Western Louisiana; Discernment Committee, Diocese of Western Louisiana; Served as canon to Christ Church Cathedral for over 20 years involved in a variety of ministry settings: Ashes to Go; Blessing of the Pets; Blessing of the Bicycles; Developed an lead Real Presence Eucharist; Chaplain to Daughters of the King; Coordinate Cathedral’s IT resources
Current Employment: Canon, Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
Lay Nominees – 1 to be elected to fill an unexpired term (Term expires in 2024)

Eileen Mitchell
All Saints’, River Ridge
Church Leadership: Lay Eucharist Minister; Board of Director, La Bonne Cuisine Cookbook; Vestry for three terms; Senior Warden (last year of each term); Adult Education Coordinator; Adult Education Teacher; Chairman Organ Committee; Pastoral Care Team; President, Cemetery Board; Chairman of the Capital Campaign Committee; Long Range Planning Committee; Finance Committee; Chairman, Stewardship Committee; Board of Episcopal Community Services; Standing Committee; Board of Hobgood Fund; Assistant Secretary at Diocesan Convention; Chairman of the Racial Reconciliation Committee; Delegate to Diocesan Convention; SSJE trained Spiritual Director; Graduate of EFM
Current Employment: Retired
Lay Nominees – 1 to be elected to serve a full term

Billy Soileau
Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Vestry; Transition Committee for Bishop-elect Duckworth; Delegate to Diocesan Convention
Current Employment: Retired Chiropractor
The Executive Board shall have charge of the development and prosecution of the work of the Church, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese and to the direction of The Convention. It shall have the power and authority to implement and carry out the programs and policies adopted by The Convention and to act for The Convention between meetings thereof, except where the authority is reserved to the Standing Committee. The Bishop shall be the executive head of all such work, and the Board shall assist the Bishop in the administration thereof. (Canon 7.1)
Clerical Nominees – 1 to be elected

The Rev. Stephanie Fox
St. George’s, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Former service to Diocese of Arkansas: Executive Board and Disciplinary Committee; Statewide Chaplain for Order of the Daughters of the King, Diocese of Arkansas
Current Employment: Rector, St. George’s, New Orleans

The Rev. Jane-Allison Wiggin
Historic St, Luke’s, New Orleans & Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Church Leadership: Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee, Gaudet Committee; Commission for Racial Healing; Thriving in Ministry Cohort
Current Employment: Priest-In-Charge Historic Saint Luke’s; Diocesan Youth and Young Professionals Event Coordinator
Lay Nominees – 2 to be elected

Robert Bowsher
St. James, Baton Rouge
Church Leadership: Current Vestry; Current Chair of Investment Committee; Current Property Committee Member; Lector; Former Senior and Junior Warden
Current Employment: Semi-retired lawyer

Nancy Stitch
Trinity Church, Baton Rouge
Church Leadership: Treasurer of Trinity, Baton Rouge; Member of the Daughters of the King; Served on Endowment Board of the Diocese of Western Louisiana, chair of the board from 2010-2012
Current Employment: CPA Candidate, TWRU

Mark Williamson
Trinity Church, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Trinity Church Finance Committee; Trinity Church Budget Committee
Current Employment: Retired
Term begins October 2023
The University of the South has, as part of its governing system, two boards —— the Board of Reagents and the Board of Trustees. The Board of Regents is somewhat like a vestry, and handles much of the fiduciary responsibility of the school. The Board of Trustees, on the other hand, is a board of people that are interested in promoting the University and its Seminary. In turn, they are to be agents of information for those in their dioceses. The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees usually occurs in late October, when new members are installed , when honorary degrees are given, and the business of the board occurs. Each diocese has one clerical and two lay representatives. The term is for three years. The by-laws of the university do stipulate that some actions of the Regents must be approved by the Trustees.
Lay Nominees – 1 to be elected

Drew Broach
All Saints’, River Ridge
Church Leadership: Welcome Committee Captain; Lector; Intercessor; Livestream Operator; Former vestry and two-time Senior Warden; Former Rector Search Committee Chair; Sewanee Trustee 2001-2004 and 2013-2022; Chair of the Constitution and Ordinances Committee
Current Employment: Deputy Metro Editor, The Times-Picayune
See Diocesan Canon 28 for further details.
Eligibility: There shall be a Disciplinary Board consisting of nine persons, five of whom shall be Priests or Deacons canonically resident in The Diocese and four of whom shall be lay persons who are adult confirmed communicants in good standing of a Parish or Mission in union with The Convention of The Diocese. No member of the Executive Board, the Standing Committee or The Bishop’s staff shall be eligible elected or serve as a member of the Board. No Chancellor or Vice-chancellor of The Diocese and no person serving as Advisor, Conciliator, Church Attorney, Intake Officer or Investigator shall be eligible to be elected or serve as a member of the Board.
Term: The Members of the Board shall serve for a term of three years. Terms shall be staggered so that one-third of the Board is reelected each year. A member of the Board shall not serve for longer than two successive three-year terms, but shall be eligible for election to the Board after having been a non-member for one Convention year. Each term shall run until the conclusion of the annual meeting of The Convention held three years following the date of the member’s election.
Clerical Nominees – 1 to be elected

The Rev. Holly Burris
St. John’s, Thibodaux
Church Leadership: Served on the Disciplinary Board for the Diocese of Mississippi; Chaplain to the Mississippi ECW
Current Employment: Rector, St. John’s, Thibodaux
Lay Nominees – 2 to be elected

Anita Byrne
St. James, Baton Rouge
Church Leadership: Vestry, Senior Warden; Finance Committee; Investment Committee; Delegate to Convention
Current Employment: Political Consultant
Henry Jackson
Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Vestry
Current Employment: Retired
Election: Each Diocese is entitled to elect four Lay and four Clerical Deputies to attend General Convention. Each Diocese may also elect Alternate Deputies in each of the Lay and Clerical orders. The Diocese of Louisiana elects up to four Alternates in each order. A person may choose to be nominated for election as an Alternate but not be nominated for election as a Deputy.
Qualifications: Lay Deputies and Alternates must be confirmed adult (age 18 or older) communicants in good standing of a congregation of the Diocese of Louisiana. Clerical Deputies and Alternates must be priests or deacons canonically resident in the Diocese of Louisiana.
Duties and Expectations: The 81st General Convention will be held in July 2024. Deputies and Alternates are expected to spend substantial time reviewing information (including Bluebook reports) relevant to each area in which votes will be cast at General Convention. There are typically about 20 areas, including Constitution and Canons, Music and Liturgy, Budget, World Mission, Church Pension Fund, Congregational Vitality, Evangelism and other areas. The Deputies and Alternates who will be attending General Convention typically divide the review of materials among themselves and meet several times during the year to discuss the issues. The number of meetings is determined in part by the number and complexity of issues anticipated at the upcoming Convention.
Province IV Synod: As part of their preparation for General Convention, Deputies and First Alternates are expected to attend the meetings of Province IV Synod in 2023 and 2024, typically during the first week of June. The Diocese pays reasonable expenses for Deputies and First Alternates attending Province IV Synod meetings. Second, Third and Fourth Alternates may attend at their own expense. General Convention. Deputies and First Alternates are expected to attend and participate in General Convention, to be held in 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky. They will meet regularly during Convention to discuss important issues and upcoming votes. Deputies selected to serve on Legislative Committees are expected to attend the meetings of their Committees. Deputies and the First Alternates are expected to attend the Legislative Committee meetings for the areas they have been researching and report important issues and developments to the rest of the Deputation. The Diocese pays reasonable expenses for Deputies and First Alternates attending General Convention. Second, Third and Fourth Alternates may attend at their own expense.
Communications with Diocese: During General Convention Deputies and First Alternates are encouraged but not required to communicate important developments back to the Diocese via email to the Diocesan Communications Coordinator or via social media. After Convention the Deputation is required by Canons I.1.4(b) and (c) of the Canons of The General Convention of the Episcopal Church to report to the Diocese the actions taken at General Convention.
Clerical Nominees – 4 Deputies and 4 Alternates to be elected

The Very Rev. Tommy Dillon
St. Margaret’s, Baton Rouge
Church Leadership: Dean of the Baton Rouge Deanery; Together Baton Rouge Executive Board; Clergy Deputy to 80th General Convention; Diocese of Louisiana Executive Board; Co-chair Inclusive Louisiana; Co-facilitator New Clergy Group; Board of Trustees of the General Theological Seminary; Board Member of Wild Goose Festival; Assessor, Episcopal Church, Discerning Leaders for Redeveloping Congregations
Current Employment: Rector, St. Margaret’s, Baton Rouge

The Rev. Liz Embler-Beazley
St. Paul’s, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Pastor, Priest, and Teacher; Chair for Racial Healing; Member of the Commission on Ministry; Member of the Diocesan Youth Leadership Council; Deputy to 80th General Convention; Member of the Camp Hardtner Board of Trustees
Current Employment: Associate for Congregational Development, St. Paul’s, New Orleans

The Rev. Morgan McIntyre
Christ Church, Covington
Church Leadership: Head of Christ Church Episcopal School Search Committee; School Board Member, Christ Episcopal School; Christ Episcopal School Part-time Chaplain; Assessment Review Committee (2016-2019); Standing Committee
Current Employment: Associate Rector, Christ Church, Covington

The Rev. John Pitzer
Trinity Church, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Co-chair of the Trinity Mission Commission; Oversees eternal ministries at Trinity; Liaison to Mission Partners outside Trinity; Board of Kingsley House and Eden House; Board of Inclusive Louisiana; Co-chair of the Community Mission Appeal; Board of Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
Current Employment: Associate Rector of Administration and Outreach, Trinity New Orleans.

The Rev. Canon Allison Reid
St. Mark’s Harvey; Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Church Leadership: Collaboration with Diocesan Latino Ministry to offer Spanish language worship at St. Mark’s; Diocesan Disaster Response Team; Diocesan Safe Church Coordinator; Coordinator for Continuing Education for clergy & churches; Chair of the Dispatch of Business for Annual Convention
Current Employment: Priest-in-Charge, St. Mark’s, Harvey; Missioner for Congregational Development, Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

The Rev. Peter Wong
Trinity Church, Baton Rouge
Church Leadership: Member of the DYLC; Disciplinary Board Member; General Convention Deputy in 2015, 2018—Served on the Task Force for the Ministry of the Baptized, Served on the Committee for the Dispatch of Business
Current Employment: Rector, Trinity Church, Baton Rouge
Lay Nominees – 4 Deputies & 4 Alternate Deputies to be elected

Bailey Alexander
St. John’s, Thibodaux
Church Leadership: Sunday School Teacher; LEM; Lector; Choir Member; Delegate to the 181st, 182nd, and 183rd Annual Convention; Deputy to the 80th General Convention
Current Employment: Transcriptionist at Babbletype; delivery driver at ASAP

Ronny Daley
St. Margaret’s, Baton Rouge
Church Leadership: St. Margaret’s, Baton Rouge; St. Margaret’s, Junior Warden; Invite-Welcome-Connect Leader; COVID Re-opening Task Force; Altar Guild; Usher
Current Employment: Retired

William Glew
St. Anna’s, New Orleans
Church Leadership: St. Anna’s Vestry Member; Dodwell House Committee
Current Employment: Retired

Tom Jacks
St. Michael’s, Mandeville
Church Leadership: Vestry; Rector Search Committee; Sunday School Teacher
Current Employment: Chief Engineering Division, Stennis Space Center

John Musser
Trinity Church, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Senior Warden, Vestry, VML Committee, Building & Grounds; Executive Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana; Deputy at the last six General Conventions; Participation on Convention Committees
Current Employment: Attorney

Jeanne Robertson
St. Paul’s, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Lay Eucharistic Minister; Lector; Lector Coordinator; Children’s Ministry Volunteer; Executive Board; Delegate to Diocesan Convention
Current Employment: Director of Center for Counseling and Education, St. Paul’s. New Orleans

Billy Soileau
Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Vestry; Transition Committee for Bishop-elect Duckworth; Delegate to Diocesan Convention
Current Employment: Retired Chiropractor

John Sykes
St. James, Baton Rouge
Church Leadership: Lay Eucharistic Minister; Lector; Lector Coordinator; Children’s Ministry Volunteer; Executive Board; Delegate to Diocesan Convention
Current Employment: Director of Center for Counseling and Education, St. Paul’s. New Orleans

Mark Williamson
Trinity Church, New Orleans
Church Leadership: Trinity Church Finance Committee; Trinity Church Budget Committee
Current Employment: Retired
Budget Documents
Download the Book for the 185th Annual Convention. It is a convenient way to view all the material you need to prepare for Convention. We will refer to the book throughout the weekend. A printed version will be available to you at registration.
2023 Diocesan Operations Full Budget
2023 Assessment and Program Pledges by Congregation
2023 Clergy Minimum Compensation Package
2023 Gaudet Fund Budget
Annual Ministry Reports
Reports received as of 10/6/2022
- Addiction Recovery Ministry
- Board of Trustees
- Chancellor’s Report
- Chapel of the Holy Comforter
- Chapel of the Holy Spirit
- Commission on Ministry
- Commission for Racial Healing
- Community Mission Appeal
- Constitutions & Canons
- Ecumenical Commission
- Environmental Commission
- Episcopal School of Baton Rouge
- Gaudet Committee
- HIV/Aids Ministry
- Inclusive Louisiana
- Latino Ministry
- Louisiana Interchurch Conference
- Prison Ministry
- St. Alban’s Chapel
- St. Martin’s Episcopal School
- Standing Committee
- Stewardship Committee
- The Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
- University of the South
- United Thank Offering
- Youth Leadership Commission (DYLC)
Other Documents
Reports received as of 10/6/2022
- Addiction Recovery Ministry
- Board of Trustees
- Chancellor’s Report
- Chapel of the Holy Comforter
- Chapel of the Holy Spirit
- Commission on Ministry
- Commission for Racial Healing
- Community Mission Appeal
- Constitutions & Canons
- Ecumenical Commission
- Environmental Commission
- Episcopal School of Baton Rouge
- Gaudet Committee
- HIV/Aids Ministry
- Inclusive Louisiana
- Latino Ministry
- Louisiana Interchurch Conference
- Prison Ministry
- St. Alban’s Chapel
- St. Martin’s Episcopal School
- Standing Committee
- Stewardship Committee
- The Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
- University of the South
- United Thank Offering
- Youth Leadership Commission (DYLC)
The Addiction Recovery Ministry is a specialized ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana as well as a local affiliate of the Recovery Ministries of the National Episcopal Church. This ministry reaches out on behalf of the Church to welcome recovering people into the Episcopal community and also helps recovering Episcopalians find a home within the organized Church. More information: https://www.edola.org/arm/
For over 75 years, the mission of Camp Hardtner is “to seek to provide an atmosphere that promotes both personal and spiritual growth and renewal for all guests.” Camp Hardtner is located in the Diocese of Western Louisiana. More information: https://camphardtner.org/about/our-history/
The Creation Care Commission is a group of lay and clergy leaders of the diocese who focus on environmental issues from the perspective of a people of faith. More information: https://www.edola.org/environmental-stewardship/
The Episcopal Church Women is a venerable organization having served the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana for over 125 years. All Episcopal women are considered “members” and are welcome to participate in the many activities available at the local church level and diocesan level. The ECW sponsors many outreach projects and hosts worship, prayer, fellowship and service activities throughout the year in many different venues. More information: https://www.edola.org/ecw/
LGBTQ+ ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. More information: https://www.edola.org/lgbt/
Halloween, Fall, and Christmas decorations.
An original tradition of Christian sacred art, iconography has been an integral part of worship & mystical life of Christians since apostolic times. Kristen Wheeler’s mission is to bring a unique twist that speaks to everyone, not just those already listening. More information: https://moderniconographer.com/
Seminary of the Southwest is an Episcopal Seminary located in Austin, Texas. Seminary of the Southwest stands boldly at this intersection of tradition and innovation. Rooted in the celebration of the theology, liturgy, and rich history of The Episcopal Church, Southwest lives within the fertile conversation among the creative solutions and powerful opportunities that will help the church thrive for generations. More information: https://ssw.edu/
Projects of the Episcopal Church Women in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. The United Thank Offering (UTO) supports mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and in invited Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world. The Church Periodical Club is the only organization in the Episcopal Church dedicated solely to providing free literature and related materials, both religious and secular, to people all over the world who need and request them and who have no other source for obtaining them. Prayer Books, books for seminarians, educational materials, medical textbooks, agricultural manuals and books for those in local and global mission are some of the publications The Church Periodical Club supplies. More information: https://www.edola.org/ecw/
Author and Episcopal Priest selling books.

1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511
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