Source: WWLTV, New Orleans

“As religious leaders of Jefferson Parish and Greater New Orleans, we join our voices together to address anti-Muslim sentiments recently reported by the media. We condemn in the strongest terms any calls to deny all Muslims entry into the United States or to incite violence or harm against our Muslim family, friends, and neighbors. We affirm that all people are created in the image of God to be respected and beloved. Religious freedom is at the core of who we are as a nation. Religious tests should never be required for anyone looking to be a part of our community. Generations of immigrants have sought refuge from religious persecution on our shores; our union is strongest because of the diversity allowed by religious freedom. Any attacks on Muslims or any other religious ethnic group is an attack on every one of us and the principles of our relationship together. We invite leaders and all people of good will to join us in speaking out and standing up against such divisive rhetoric.” […]

Continue reading and watch video here: Local religious leaders: We stand with our Muslim neighbors WWL TV