Dear Faithful People of the Diocese of Louisiana,
The Standing Committee is very pleased to announce the following slate of candidates for the Twelfth Bishop of Louisiana (listed in alphabetical order by last name):

The Rev. Frederick DuMontier Devall IV
Rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Metairie, LA
The Rev. Canon Shannon Rogers Duckworth
Canon to the Ordinary, Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Information about each candidate, including a brief professional biography, will be available soon at We will shortly make available at the same link additional information, including each candidate’s full resume as submitted as part of their application, answers to several questions, and introductory videos.
During the last eleven months, the Search & Nominating Committee has faithfully engaged in a spiritual, yet systematic, process designed to yield a qualified slate of candidates from which our next bishop could be elected. The early part of the process included multiple listening sessions during which attendees suggested that our candidates to the episcopate should value and prioritize inclusiveness and diversity, a sense of community, love of neighbor, and civil discourse in our ministry together. Nominations were received and thoroughly vetted by the Search & Nominating Committee in consideration of the stated needs, ministry experience, qualifications, character, and other factors requisite to lead our diocese. The Search & Nominating Committee, with the assistance of search consultant, The Rev. Dr. Diane Vie, along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has now completed its charge. After prayerful and careful consideration, the Standing Committee affirms the slate of nominees and expresses its deepest gratitude to the Search & Nominating Committee for its work.
With the publication of this slate, the petition period (formerly known as “nominations from the floor”) is now open and will close on Friday, April 8, 2022 at 5 pm CDT. Information about the petition process, as well as forms and information about other required documents, can be found at All nomination petitions and supplemental materials will be directed to the President of the Standing Committee. After the completion of all necessary evaluations and accompanying paperwork, any petition candidate will be announced to the electing Convention no later than April 22, 2022.
Candidate Meet & Greets will be held during the Walk About Week (April 25-27). Participation in these offerings throughout the diocese is highly encouraged. More information about these special events will be forthcoming.
The Standing Committee has called a Special Meeting of Convention to be held for the purposes of the Election of the Twelfth Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana. This special electing convention will take place in-person on Saturday, May 14, 2022, at Christ Church Cathedral in New Orleans. If the Convention is not able to meet in person, the diocese will proceed with a virtual platform.
We now move into a more public form of discernment. Public discernment requires us to continue our prayers for the Diocese of Louisiana as well as these wonderful candidates and their families, each of whom is a beloved child of God. Please keep this deep truth central as we discern together and pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide this process so that God’s will, not ours, be done.
With deep gratitude and excitement,
The Reverend John Sloan Miller
President of the Standing Committee
Diocese of Louisiana Prayer for the Election of a Bishop
Heavenly Father, you oversee all that we say and do. Guide the people of the Diocese of Louisiana in the selection of our next bishop, that we may be led by your Holy Spirit. Direct us toward the person you desire to fill this role. Lead us to a person of integrity, a person of prayer, and a person of faith, who is capable of carrying out your wishes for our future. Above all, may our new leader be one who is willing to receive your unconditional love, and pass it on to those near and far. We pray this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. AMEN.
Prayer For the Election of a Bishop (The Book of Common Prayer, p. 818)
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.