from the Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson, Jr., Bishop of Louisiana
Priscilla has served as Archdeacon since my arrival and has served with distinction. She leaves her position knowing she has accomplished much and I am grateful for her leadership.On Friday, April 8, Archdeacon Priscilla Maumus announced her resignation from her position as Archdeacon of the Diocese of Louisiana. Her decision to resign was prompted by the time and energy she was giving towards the care of her aging parents and other family members.
I have appointed Deacon Cindy Obier as the new Archdeacon. Cindy is currently serving as my Chaplain on Sundays and diocesan events as well. She will continue in the role as Chaplain as well as Archdeacon of the diocese. Please keep Priscilla and Cindy in your prayers as they make their transitions. I am grateful for the ministries which deacons bring to this diocese and to the Church.