Forward Day By Day – August 29, 2020

We are such hypocrites. The wrath of God sounds terrible until we have an enemy in our crosshairs. God, I confess my sins to you. Please show me grace. See my enemies? Please kick them in the face.Jesus says let your light shine before others. Jesus says be...

Forward Day By Day – August 28, 2020

Job’s understanding of what was happening in his life was painfully limited. I imagine Job’s spirit groaned through many, many prayers.When we fall on difficult times, it can be a comfort to believe there is someone with the power to exact justice—an umpire to make...

Forward Day By Day – August 27, 2020

From the Archives: August 27, 1950It seems to be humankind’s characteristic to seek the causes our failures outside of ourselves. Adam blamed Eve.Even in religious practice it is common to charge God with our mi….(View this reading and more resources for prayer...

Forward Day By Day – August 26, 2020

Many of us live surrounded by stuff. Our shelves are lined with trophies, photos, books, and treasures. They remind us of lessons, accomplishments, and relationships. We call them keepsakes.My best friend has experienced burglary several times. He doesn’t...

Forward Day By Day – August 25, 2020

My favorite patchwork quilt is made of my Aunt Maureen’s clothes. This quilt is cherished not because of the craftsmanship or materials but because I feel close to her—reconnected—when I wrap it around me and snuggle into its warmth.When a loved one dies, we are left...

Forward Day By Day – August 24, 2020

Sit in a room with children and correct one child. See how quickly others speak up to assure you they were in the right. What fears override a child’s ability to show compassion? What opportunity might they miss if they remain silent? What do these children seek in...

Forward Day By Day – August 23, 2020

I have a nagging suspicion today’s church isn’t what Jesus had in mind.I can’t imagine he’d want everything to be about him. He did not bask in stardom. He practiced service. Forgiveness. Honesty. Gratitude. Healing. Love. Jesus did the hard,...

Forward Day By Day – August 22, 2020

Something like scales fall from our eyes when we study neuroscience. So much of what can be perceived as choice is impulse. Most people react instead of responding.More scales fall from our eyes when we study history. Sometimes hardships lead to liberation. Who are we...

Forward Day By Day – August 21, 2020

My first silent retreat was at a mountain hermitage. I settled into my home away from home, happily showing reverence to the food, fork, chair, and sunset. I listened to the sounds my mouth made when I chewed and considered the flavors on my tongue and in the air.I...

Forward Day By Day – August 20, 2020

From the Archives: March 3, 1951It is strange how blind we can be to the consequences of sin and how alert to the imagined consequences of obedience. We most often think we can beat the certain consequences of sin, but we never quite see how….(View this reading...

Forward Day By Day – August 19, 2020

Prudence is not often born of abundance. Or is it? Jesus doesn’t travel with stockpiles of food. He has sandals and a robe, at the least. He’s not identified by his material possessions. I have never considered Jesus lacking, though. He oozes abundance. ….(View...

Forward Day By Day – August 18, 2020

Attention: Beloved SheepFrom: IsraelRe: Self careFellows of The Flock,I’m wrestling with something. Turns out it’s me…..(View this reading and more resources for prayer at Daily Prayer: A resource of Forward Movement.) This post appeared here first: Forward Day...

Forward Day By Day – August 17, 2020

When I am hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, my coping mechanisms snap to attention like mice when the cat is gone. I sense judgment from the humans around me, and experience urges me to justify behaviors or explain myself. My response is often out of proportion to the...

Forward Day By Day – August 16, 2020

Israel is the new name given Jacob after his wrestling match at Peniel, after he “has seen God face to face.” Studying the etymology of the name is its own wrestling match. Who is the subject? Go a little further in the story, and we see that Israel’s children become...

Forward Day By Day – August 15, 2020

I love trying on different understandings of God. I once heard someone describe walking outside in the imagined company of all the great thinkers of history, loved ones here and gone, wisdom known and unknown, as time spent with her higher power.Recently, I...