Forward Day By Day – June 12, 2019

We might look at this parable about money and think that the returning king was overly harsh with the servant who did nothing with the money entrusted to him. We would be missing Jesus’ point. I believe Jesus wants us to understand that we have been entru….(View...

Forward Day By Day – June 11, 2019

Jesus warns his disciples that they will go out as “sheep into the midst of wolves,” and he gives them some instruction on how to handle being vulnerable and at risk of bodily harm. Jesus combines wisdom and innocence in ways that enable him to spread the good news...

Forward Day By Day – June 10, 2019

The question Jesus poses to the blind man on the road to Jericho seems awkward. “What do you want me to do for you?” Obviously, the man wants to see. Everybody knows this—yet Jesus still asks the question. Jesus is concerned with what we need and want….(View...

Forward Day By Day – June 9, 2019

Jesus tells us that God will send us an Advocate who will abide with us and in us. The Holy Spirit “will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.” We follow the person of Jesus, and we praise God the Father Almighty, creator o….(View...

Forward Day By Day – June 8, 2019

Jesus gives a mute the ability to speak again, and this amazes some people—others, not so much. I have always had some trouble with the folks who want another sign in order to believe. How many signs do we need? Even John the Baptist asks for one more. Je….(View...

Forward Day By Day – June 7, 2019

When given the choice between an encounter with the living, breathing, and loving Word of God and anything else, there really is no choice. Jesus reminds Martha—and all of us reading this story—that she doesn’t have to worry or be distracted by anything else while he...

Forward Day By Day – June 6, 2019

Jesus answers the question of who our neighbors are with a parable of action. We don’t get to pick and choose our neighbors. We can never learn this lesson too many times: Everyone needs something. Look around you. Somebody has an illness. Somebody just h….(View...

Forward Day By Day – June 5, 2019

At almost every turn of his ministry, Jesus upsets the status quo. The seventy disciples Jesus sends out have come back from their first mission. They are fired up about all the signs and wonders they have done throughout the countryside in Jesus’ name. O….(View...

Forward Day By Day – June 4, 2019

The writer of Hebrews says that the steadfast anchor of our souls is Jesus. He is the ultimate mediator and advocate. Jesus’ example of grace and mercy bridges the gaps in our relationships to God and each other that are caused by our myriad transgressions, flaws,...

Forward Day By Day – June 3, 2019

Jesus’ words to two potential followers seem harsh. One says he needs to bury his father, and another just wants to say goodbye to his family. Jesus tells both of these young men—and all of us—that following him does not work that way. Jesus’ call to follow him means...

Forward Day By Day – June 2, 2019

In the gospel reading today, Jesus prays for unity and love among those who follow him and that God’s word and love will be known throughout the world. Jesus wants the love of God, which he knows so intimately, to unite the world. Jesus then warns that he has come to...

Forward Day By Day – June 1, 2019

This gospel passage from Luke tells several stories that feel disjointed. Jesus has just come down from the mountain of Transfiguration and meets a man pleading for Jesus to heal his child. Jesus heals the boy and then warns the disciples that he will be betrayed into...

Forward Day By Day – May 31, 2019

A dear friend of mine and I stopped processing our hair a few years ago. We wondered what our “real” hair would look like once we cut off the old growth and let the new, unstraightened hair grow and show. As I got closer to my scalp, I could see how muc….(View...

Forward Day By Day – May 30, 2019

Advertisers realize that selling a product requires more than just a good sales pitch or a convincing product description. While these things are helpful, there is nothing like the testimonial of someone who has used a product and knows personally the value of...

Forward Day By Day – May 29, 2019

When my daughter visits, she knows certain essentials will be on hand so she can pack a little lighter. Her goal is to travel as unencumbered as she can. Worry is like luggage filled with non-essential stuff, things that weigh us down and cost us money or...