Sunday, March 17, 2019 | Reflections
As parents, we want to keep our children safe under our wings. We hold our breath the first time a toddler tumbles; our hearts break at teenage disappointments or an adult child’s harsh treatment in a harsh world. And we are devastated when they stumble and...
Saturday, March 16, 2019 | Reflections
As we grow older, we are less likely to recognize thirst. We may think we’re hungry or tired long before we realize we are becoming dehydrated and need a drink of water. We can easily fail to recognize our spiritual dehydration too, until we are parched and find...
Friday, March 15, 2019 | Reflections
How does it feel to have a clean heart and a right spirit? Years ago, I found myself leaving a church position because the rector and I were simply at odds. That priest eventually left the parish; I went on to become director of communications for our diocese. For...
Thursday, March 14, 2019 | Reflections
One of my treasures hangs on our living room wall. On this canvas painted by my uncle is a large red rock amid other rocks in a fast-flowing stream. He captured the light and power of the rapids beautifully. When I read this verse, I picture Uncle Joe’s...
Wednesday, March 13, 2019 | Reflections
After church one Sunday, a fairly new member exclaimed to several of us, “I love this church! There are so many real born-again Christian people!” I do not match the criteria for what many people mean by born-again. “Oh,” ….(View this reading and more resources...
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 | Reflections
At a conference I attended, the leader of a gospel choir pointed out that many of us were clapping wrong. In gospel music—as in most African musical traditions and most of today’s popular music—the clap is on the off-beat, not the downbeat. After some practice, I...
Monday, March 11, 2019 | Reflections
It’s been a rough winter. The world is troubled, and there are messages from friends dealing with difficulties—illnesses and deaths, family crises, disappointing changes—so much grief. I’ve been fighting colds and allergies and currently have pink eye. My...
Sunday, March 10, 2019 | Reflections
For many years we were members of a neighborhood church with a rapidly growing Afro-Caribbean population. With the influx of West Indian Anglicans, we needed to build a larger space for worship. Our rector sadly told us that the diocesan committee had refused our...
Saturday, March 9, 2019 | Reflections
The phrase “toxic masculinity” has become part of the conversation about forms of violence in our society. Toxic masculinity excuses bad behavior with the adage “Boys will be boys.” This approach isn’t helpful for any of us, boys or otherwise, especially when it...
Friday, March 8, 2019 | Reflections
I was named Mary for my father’s mother, and my middle name is Miller, my maternal grandmother’s maiden name. Until I was five or six, I was called Mary Miller—which I hated. Like a number of women of my generation, I took my husband’s last name when we...
Thursday, March 7, 2019 | Reflections
Most days I haven’t been out of bed very long before I catch sight of a headline on my phone or the front page of the newspaper and plunge headlong into fretting because of evildoers. This seems a particularly dark time in our country.Surely, we aren’t supposed to let...
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 | Reflections
Growing up Presbyterian, I don’t recall observing Ash Wednesday, much less fasting. As an adult Episcopalian, I decided that since gluttony is one of my more obvious sins, not eating on Ash Wednesday would be an appropriate discipline. For several years, I set dinner...
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 | Reflections
The scholars ponder: The DivineIndwells—or not? The bread and wine.Of God’s “real presence,” I’ve no doubt;my own, I’m not so sure about.Paying attention is not easy. In conversation, even with those dear to me, I often realize….(View this reading and more...
Monday, March 4, 2019 | Reflections
A group of us were hiking up a mountain trail, and the trail markings suddenly seemed confusing. We headed in one direction, then quickly retraced our steps. As we debated our options, a woman came up the path behind us. She was part of a group of volunteers...
Sunday, March 3, 2019 | Reflections
We sometimes see glimpses of transfiguration at a wedding, the birth of a child, or the celebration of some significant accomplishment. “She was glowing,” we say. “His face lit up.”What if we could see that light and recognize belovedness in every face?We live...