Forward Day By Day – February 2, 2019

Few ethnic divisions have been more palpable than between first-century Jews and Gentiles. In many ways, this division represents the ultimate “us vs. them” mentality. The early church faced this controversy head-on, as we see in letters like Ephesians and Galatians,...

Forward Day By Day – February 1, 2019

The words of Psalm 51 are the words of a person who realizes the wrong he or she has committed and desires to change but believes that change can only happen with God’s help. These are also the words spoken by God’s people every Ash Wednesday when we are confronted...

Forward Day By Day – January 31, 2019

Ministry is hard work. Most pastors and many lay church employees reserve one day a week as their day of rest. We call, text, or email anyway: Sorry to bother you on your day off…In today’s gospel reading, the apostles gather around Jesus, full of stories to share and...

Forward Day By Day – January 30, 2019

I joined the Episcopal Church in 1978. Two years before, General Convention narrowly approved the ordination of women. The newly revised Book of Common Prayer was still in its trial period. I did not understand what all the fuss was about…..(View this reading...

Forward Day By Day – January 29, 2019

Partway through his ministry, Jesus sends his disciples out on their own—in pairs—to spread the good news. How surprised they must be when Jesus hands authority over to them—shepherds and middle managers and fishermen without formal education or credentials. Instead...

Forward Day By Day – January 28, 2019

Don’t let the bleak winter blues demotivate you. This is the season of Epiphany! God’s love is here for all of us. Look at Jesus with the eyes of your heart and proclaim, “I believe! Alleluia!”The post-Christmas sales are long gone, and….(View this reading and...

Forward Day By Day – January 27, 2019

Faith communities, from home Bible studies to cathedrals, are made up of uniquely gifted individuals. Beyond celebrating each person’s gifts, here’s a good question to ask: Since God has intentionally assembled us and our diverse gifts together in this place, what...

Forward Day By Day – January 26, 2019

This demon-possessed man comes out from the tombs to confront Jesus. Jesus heals him and clothes him. A crowd starts to gather, and soon folks are freaking out over the healing and subsequent mass pig-suicide.They plead with Jesus to leave thei….(View this...

Forward Day By Day – January 25, 2019

Reading today’s lesson from Acts, I wonder if maybe we are more like Saul than we realize. Even with our own limited view, each day we have the opportunity to empty ourselves in order to let God fill us with holy peace, love, and direction for our...

Forward Day By Day – January 24, 2019

The Mustard Seed Furniture Bank takes donations of new or gently used furniture and other household items and distributes them to those in need.Several years ago, Mustard Seed delivery workers discovered many children slept on floors or doubled and tripled...

Forward Day By Day – January 23, 2019

I set out one morning determined to sow some wildflower seeds at the edge of a wooded area in our backyard. Years of untamed roots and vines prevented easy access to my preferred spot. I hacked away, making a small bed and amending it with store-bought soil. Surely...

Forward Day By Day – January 22, 2019

Today, we hear Isaiah ridiculing the irrational beliefs of those who bow down to idols. And here we are, millennia later, with churches closing for lack of attendance while crowds keep all night vigil for the newest smart phone. Ancient and modern idol worshipers...