#EDOLA5G – Our First Day Exploring Jerusalem

Today, after morning prayers at St. George’s Cathedral, our pilgrims watched a short program about the dwindling number of Christians in the Holy Land. Then, we heard a fascinating lecture by John Peterson on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre / The Church of the...

Awamat / Awwamaat and Jelabies: RECIPE

Sooooooo, check out these lovelies! Awamat (also Owamat, Awwameh, Awwamaat, and many other variations.) I saw these last night while walking from the Damascus Gate through a market / shop area and they reminded me of having seen them in India, Nepal, and...

Arrival Day in Jerusalem!

We left last night, delayed quite a long time, but happy to finally take off! Everyone was very tired, but in great spirits as we ate dinner en route. Some drifted off to sleep and some watched movies. After landing in Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, we located our...