Forward Day By Day – May 10, 2019

If Jesus looked at your faith, what would he see? What do others see? When these followers of Jesus bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus, they are certain he can heal their friend. They tear the roof off of the house where Jesus is teaching and lower...

Forward Day By Day – May 9, 2019

Lord, sometimes you call us into the deep where untold treasures dwell. For reasons of your own, you have us venture beyond where we have gone before, leaving behind things we have relied upon and sailing away from the shoreline. Faith’s journey requires us to get in...

Forward Day By Day – May 8, 2019

Some days, I can feel the covering of prayers once prayed for meReaching to me in the here-and-now from the knees upon which she once knelt,From love so deeply feltPrayed with the quiet murmurs of her heart or some agonizing plea Carried before the Almighty on behalf...

Forward Day By Day – May 7, 2019

Why is it so hard for us to believe Jesus? Why are we always looking for a sign or further proof of Jesus being who he says he is? While the possessed people recognize Jesus, recognition alone does not cause the demons to follow Jesus. Once banished, the...

Forward Day By Day – May 6, 2019

A woman shouted an enthusiastic “Amen!” each time her preacher pointed out the ways other parishioners stumbled in their Christian walk. When her own shortcoming was named, the woman mumbled, “Now, you’re just meddling.” During Jesus’ inaugural ….(View this...

Forward Day By Day – May 5, 2019

The disciples’ plan is to go fishing, but they don’t catch a thing. However, when they follow the direction given to them by Jesus, they catch more than they know what to do with. How often do we make our plans without including Jesus—even when we are planning to do...

Forward Day By Day – May 4, 2019

Recently, I saw a good news story. As a mother and her young son were about to leave an outdoor concert, he began to randomly hug other concertgoers. While his mother kept close watch, the toddler hugged everyone nearby. Initially some people were taken by surprise,...

Forward Day By Day – May 3, 2019

What a bold declaration of faith Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego make: Lord, we’re going to trust you, even if you don’t answer our prayer the way we want it answered. For their refusal to worship idols and other gods, the three are condemned t….(View this...

Forward Day By Day – May 2, 2019

When John speaks to the crowds waiting to be baptized, he tells them that this blessing of baptism is going to cost them something—changed lives. The waters of baptism are not of the soak-in-the-tub luxury bubble bath or quick-cleansing variety. They are waters meant...

Forward Day By Day – May 1, 2019

The sturdiest tree does not grow in the shadeBut it is out in open air that its sturdiness is made.There is where the tree is firmed and formed to become shelter and shade.As well, a thing of beauty.Its roots watered by adversity….(View this reading and more...

Forward Day By Day – April 30, 2019

Storytelling is a part of life, and this activity helps us make sense of the world, teaching us how to handle the hard days. Stories educate, inspire, and build relationships. The story of Daniel interpreting Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is one of our essential stories of...

Forward Day By Day – April 29, 2019

Mark places the baptism of Jesus right at the very beginning of his gospel—no annunciation, no nativity story, just straight into the action—telling us about a voice from heaven declaring Jesus as God’s beloved son. Mark’s story sounds very much like the way we...

Forward Day By Day – April 28, 2019

Every once in a while, we come across a story that we just cannot believe, and the disciples are no different. Thomas is slow to believe the good news of Jesus’ resurrection—but he is not slow to grasp its implications as he cries out, “My Lord and my God!”...

Forward Day By Day – April 27, 2019

Each of us is called into ministry with Jesus in some way that uses our special gifts and talents. Jesus’ last instructions to his apostles are to proclaim the good news of salvation to the people of Israel and all the nations. God’s love and gift of salvation is for...

Forward Day By Day – April 26, 2019

Think for a moment about people you truly love—heroines and heroes, family members, teachers, or camp counselors. When we love people, we have special thoughts or memories tied to them. So it is natural for the psalmist to speak of a deep, personal love for God. Psalm...