Forward Day By Day – April 10, 2019

I have so many security codes and personal identification numbers; I can mix them up if I am not careful. Sometimes I feel like these numbers have replaced my actual identity. These codes identify me and are part of the reality of doing business. Numbers may...

Forward Day By Day – April 9, 2019

Our hearts are the cores of our beings—physically pumping blood and emotionally serving as the place where our judgment, character, and beliefs are formed. This complex muscle, and all the analogies we’ve drawn to understand it, allows us to serve and love God with...

Forward Day By Day – April 8, 2019

People look at him but never really see him. The neighbors wonder about him but never really talk to him. The disciples only to see him out of a belief that his suffering equates to some kind of sin. But Jesus sees the whole of this man’s self—Jesus sees a vessel fit...

Forward Day By Day – April 7, 2019

Jesus knows a lot about economic stimulus plans from his study of the Torah: “You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the poor.” This plan demands we address the needs of the poor—not just in acts of charity but through the pursuit of biblical justice....

Forward Day By Day – April 6, 2019

My grandmother used to sing an old gospel song, “Trouble Don’t Last Always.” As I have grown older, I’ve started humming it to console myself. The lessons of the song still ring in my heart, reminding my weary soul to just hold on. This too shall pass. ….(View...

Forward Day By Day – April 5, 2019

When you read through Acts and the letters Paul writes to his congregations, it is hard to deny that Paul suffers greatly for the sake of the gospel. Nevertheless, he is utterly convinced that nothing can separate him—or any of us—from God’s love and care....

Forward Day By Day – April 4, 2019

One of my pet peeves is waiting—in long lines at the airport, in freeway traffic, for elevators that take an eternity to reach my floor. Just as my spirit groans with the discomforts of life, Creation also cries out when its natural order is interrupted. The earth...

Forward Day By Day – April 3, 2019

While on sabbatical, I wanted to participate in activities to stimulate and restore my whole self. I also wanted to spend time with my family—especially my son. To my surprise and delight, he took a pottery class with me. Once seated at our own wheels, we seemed...

Forward Day By Day – April 2, 2019

Long before diarist Anne Frank wrote, “The problem with me is I am two different people,” Paul wrestles with the very same dilemma. Paul wants to please God yet realizes the mental tug of war between flesh and spirit. Like Paul, we too share the struggle between...

Forward Day By Day – April 1, 2019

Imagine what traveling with Jesus is like. Crowds gather to hear him teach, witness healings, and bask in his presence. The daily demands of ministry are certainly stressful for Jesus, and he understands the need to pace himself and make time to rest. In the...

Forward Day By Day – March 31, 2019

Is this the end of the story? I like to think the two brothers find a renewed relationship and work together to show their gratitude to their father. But maybe they don’t. Truthfully, the ending of this story is up to us: We choose what we do with God’s...

Forward Day By Day – March 30, 2019

Psalm 136 recounts the history of God’s care for the children of Israel, from the creation of all that is to deliverance from slavery in Egypt to defeat of enemies, all punctuated by this refrain: “For his mercy endures for ever.” How might we pray this...

Forward Day By Day – March 29, 2019

“I don’t get it!” This response is rarely a genuine request for a more complete explanation but rather is code for, “I don’t like what you’re saying, and I don’t want to hear it.” This is how Jesus’….(View this reading and more resources for prayer at Daily...

Forward Day By Day – March 28, 2019

On the wall by my computer is a plaque that says, “Speak the truth but leave immediately thereafter.” Speaking the truth surely buys Jesus serious trouble. As soon as he tells the crowds following him that the truth will make them free, they insist they ….(View...

Forward Day By Day – March 27, 2019

Walking in darkness is, at best, challenging, and at worst, dangerous. After my husband retired and I was still working, I’d get up in the dark, try not to wake him, and pull clothes out of the closet, hoping I hadn’t grabbed the purple skirt and the red...