Forward Day By Day – February 24, 2019

One day after my fourth-grade flag football practice, Dad made a comment that stuck with me. “This family isn’t known for being good at sports.” He wasn’t saying it to be mean, but it was a hard comment to shake. I couldn’t help but wonder, “If I don’t come from an...

Forward Day By Day – February 23, 2019

On February 14, 1990, the Voyager I space probe photographed Earth from more than six billion kilometers away. This iconic image is known as the Pale Blue Dot, showing Earth as the tiniest of dots in a single beam of light. Astronomer Carl Sagan gave a moving lecture...

Forward Day By Day – February 22, 2019

We live in a culture of instant gratification. Most of the time what can be had now is chosen over what can be had later. Our immediate desires overshadow the needs of others. We see this on a global scale. When we are honest, we also see this on a personal scale. You...

Forward Day By Day – February 21, 2019

A trap has been set for Jesus in our gospel passage today. He asks those setting the trap to show him a coin. As we have come to expect, Jesus’ answer about taxes is brilliant. The coin in question bears the image and title of the emperor. The coin, therefore, belongs...

Forward Day By Day – February 20, 2019

Early religious expressions usually contained elements of sacrificial worship. Successful crops required making an offering to the appropriate god and waiting to see if it was accepted in the form of a bountiful harvest. If the harvest was good, the same offering was...

Forward Day By Day – February 19, 2019

Following the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, many of us were introduced to a new safety mantra: If you see something, say something. There is another way to use this phrase, one that humans of all backgrounds have affirmed throughout the centuries. When you see...

Forward Day By Day – February 18, 2019

This bit of Psalm 89 always reminds me of Jesus and his disciples in the middle of the Sea of Galilee. The sea is calm, and since Jesus has been busy teaching and healing, he takes a nap. As the wind picks up and the waves begin to swell, fear sets in. The disciples...

Forward Day By Day – February 17, 2019

Noah is a fascinating biblical character tasked with building a giant boat in preparation for a massive flood—one no one else sees coming. Imagine living near Noah when he is beginning to gather materials for the ark. What do you say to a man attempting a project of...

Forward Day By Day – February 16, 2019

We repeat things for lots of reasons. We repeat things we simply cannot believe. And we repeat things that we cannot believe—but want to. In some translations of the evening psalm, “For his steadfast love endures for ever” is repeated in every single verse. During...

Forward Day By Day – February 15, 2019

While running errands together last week, my daughter started talking about her college plans. She’s only four years old, so she doesn’t quite get the college experience yet, but she enjoys talking about it nonetheless. “I want to go to a college with lots of trees. I...

Forward Day By Day – February 14, 2019

There are many ways to interpret today’s gospel passage. One response is to become frustrated with the rich young man. This may not be the best way to approach the text, but it is certainly the easiest way for me.Is this man arrogant? Is he oblivious? Has he somehow...

Forward Day By Day – February 13, 2019

I love your law. The more you read from Psalm 119, the bolder this statement becomes. The law is called sweeter than honey and more valuable than gold. I must confess to you: I feel a little dishonest reading this psalm. I don’t often think of God’s ways as...

Forward Day By Day – February 12, 2019

Christian author C.S. Lewis tells of a man who is taken to heaven and granted a vision of a great woman. A glorious procession surrounds her, and music can be heard for miles around. She is unbearably beautiful, and a bright light shines forth from her. The man’s mind...

Forward Day By Day – February 11, 2019

“I deserve that promotion more than Lucy,” we say to a coworker in the break room, only to tell the boss later that morning what a great fit Lucy is for her new role. The disciples are no different. I should sit at his right hand. No! It should be me!Jesus knows the...

Forward Day By Day – February 10, 2019

Evangelists are making a comeback—not just within the walls of the church but in our culture as well. Even companies seek to hire product evangelists to attend conferences, interact in online forums and social networks, and to otherwise represent the company or...