Forward Day By Day – January 25, 2019

Reading today’s lesson from Acts, I wonder if maybe we are more like Saul than we realize. Even with our own limited view, each day we have the opportunity to empty ourselves in order to let God fill us with holy peace, love, and direction for our...

Forward Day By Day – January 24, 2019

The Mustard Seed Furniture Bank takes donations of new or gently used furniture and other household items and distributes them to those in need.Several years ago, Mustard Seed delivery workers discovered many children slept on floors or doubled and tripled...

Forward Day By Day – January 23, 2019

I set out one morning determined to sow some wildflower seeds at the edge of a wooded area in our backyard. Years of untamed roots and vines prevented easy access to my preferred spot. I hacked away, making a small bed and amending it with store-bought soil. Surely...

Forward Day By Day – January 22, 2019

Today, we hear Isaiah ridiculing the irrational beliefs of those who bow down to idols. And here we are, millennia later, with churches closing for lack of attendance while crowds keep all night vigil for the newest smart phone. Ancient and modern idol worshipers...

Forward Day By Day – January 21, 2019

It’s been a long time since unity was fashionable. Divisiveness is more in style. We lament over this, even as we dig our trenches deeper. Think like we do, each faction demands. You’re a bigot if you don’t. You’re a traitor if you don’t. You are not following Jesus...

Forward Day By Day – January 20, 2019

The Episcopal Church Foundation helps congregations define and prioritize needs for future ministry and guides them through fundraising to achieve their vision. It is a joy to see the gifts of each community member be revealed in this process: construction tradesmen...

Forward Day By Day – January 19, 2019

For years, my spiritual journey focused on adding more—knowledge, Bible reading and study, good works—to grow closer to God. When I inevitably fell short, I felt inadequate. As I became involved in a new-to-me formation program, I saw things in a new...

Forward Day By Day – January 18, 2019

Today the church remembers the confession of Peter—a brilliant moment for this salty sailor who messed up several other times in his life with Jesus.Peter is sometimes inappropriately enthusiastic. Peter is so sure he can follow Jesus anywhere, but he...

Forward Day By Day – January 17, 2019

“I love you, Lord…” my mother’s voice still echoes in those words. Even when dementia clouded her thinking in conversations with people, she prayed with complete clarity.Today’s readings are full of God’s might. In Psalm 18, God thunders out of h….(View this...

Forward Day By Day – January 16, 2019

Early morning is my favorite prayer time, and for twenty-five years, I have prayed along with Forward Day by Day. For the last several years, I have participated in the online community that we refer to as our “FDBD family.”….(View this reading and more...

Forward Day By Day – January 15, 2019

One night, we went boating off the Florida Keys. The engine of our friends’ pontoon softly chugged us away from the lights and noise of the tiki bar and into an eerie mangrove forest. Soon we reached the black vastness of open water and were glad for our experienced...

Forward Day By Day – January 14, 2019

Singer-songwriter Kris Kristofferson tells an unexpected, powerful experience of forgiveness and release while attending church with fellow artist Connie Smith. In the song “Why Me Lord,” Kristofferson expresses his gratitude and amazement: “Why me Lord? What did I...

Forward Day By Day – January 13, 2019

Bread making is working its way into my life. I am discovering wonder in warm water and yeast that transforms gooey flour and oil into puffy, pungent mounds of dough. Lots of chemistry occurs in this first rising, with more goodness to come.In ….(View this...

Forward Day By Day – January 12, 2019

For his unshakable witness, the man born blind and healed by washing in the waters of Siloam is kicked out of the temple. We can only imagine how desperately he wants answers. Jesus knows the man is in trouble and seeks him out to reassure and calm him. A preacher...

Forward Day By Day – January 11, 2019

Jesus could have ridden a wave of popularity to an earthly kingship. However, his choices demonstrate a commitment to a plan far greater than merely overthrowing the Roman Empire. Defining a vision for the impact of our ministries is crucial to helping us make wise...