Reading the Story… Again and Again

Before becoming a mother I heard all the stories of how much I’d be reading to my children. How I’d be reading the same story night after night. How I’d have certain books memorized and possibly could recite them in my sleep. It sounded great at the time. How sweet...

Forward Day By Day – May 14, 2018

One of Luke’s distinctive arguments is that one could be both a good citizen of Rome and a Christian. Over and over, Luke emphasizes how helpful Roman agents are in mitigating the violence of angry crowds. Luke even goes so far as to say that Paul himself is a Roman...

Is Jesus’ Ascension Ours?

Grant, we pray, Almighty God, that as we believe your only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into heaven, so we may also in heart and mind there ascend, and with him continually dwell; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for...

God’s Spirit Comes

The post God’s Spirit Comes appeared first on d365 Daily Devotionals. This post appeared here first: God’s Spirit Comes [D365 Daily Devotions]

A Little More Waiting

There’s no business like church business, eh? There’s a lot of it too. From the budget to the baptistery and, yes, the color of the carpet, church business has to get done. Thus, has it ever been.   In this morning’s readings, the apostles have...

Forward Day By Day – May 13, 2018

There are many layers to the scene we read today. On one level, Paul is telling the story of how Jesus calls out to him, asking Saul/Paul why he is persecuting the people of the Way. But on another level, Paul is telling this story as his defense against the angry...

Forward Day By Day – May 12, 2018

Most of us would probably hesitate to invite Paul to a dinner party; one of Paul’s spiritual gifts is his ability to upset everyone, everywhere he goes. The community of Jews zealous for the law accuse Paul of persuading people to forsake Moses. At the same time, Paul...

The Leper’s Tale

Matthew 7:28 – 8:4   The sun is very bright today. The glare off the hard-packed road makes my eyes burn.  It’s hot in the sun, but others have taken up all the spaces under the few trees that grow here.  I learned early that a single person sitting alone has a...

Forward Day By Day – May 11, 2018

As a child, folk tales fascinated me. One of the stories I loved most was the Pied Piper of Hamelin. As you may remember, the Pied Piper sweeps into town and uses his music to rid a village of rats. But when the townspeople refuse to pay him, he uses that same music...

House Upon the Rock

Daily Office Readings for Friday, May 11, 2018:   AM Psalm 85, 86; PM Psalm 91, 92 1 Sam. 2:1-10; Eph. 2:1-10; Matt. 7:22-27   Today’s Gospel reading is one of those that, if you’d ever spent any of your youth in Sunday School, or Vacation Bible School, or...

Forward Day By Day – May 10, 2018

I had never thought of Paul as an economic disruptor until studying this passage. Much like how Lyft and Airbnb have changed taxis and lodging, Paul’s message disrupts several industries. Artisans, silversmiths, and priests face the challenge of squaring off against...

Ascension Day

Luke 24:44-53   As Paul says, it is pure foolishness to be a Christian if we don’t believe that Christ is resurrected from the dead.  And yet I can so easily fall into behaving as though I don’t put any stock in that part of Jesus’ story. When I...

Forward Day By Day – May 9, 2018

Some years ago, I read an article by a classical pianist who described his lifetime of practice as simply growing closer to playing what was written on the page. Playing a piece of music as written sounds easy, doesn’t it? And yet, for most musicians (especially...


Deuteronomy 11:18-21: Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when...

Forward Day By Day – May 8, 2018

“Want a free sample? It has gold.” Like the ancient Athenians, New Yorkers are always looking for something new. On a recent spring day, a woman handed out samples for a new type of moisturizer with tiny bits of 24-karat gold. Of course I took one. ….(View this...