Music Resources
Hymnals Approved for use in The Episcopal Church
Available for purchase through Church Publishing, Episcopal Bookstore, and other booksellers.
- The Hymnal 1982 contains the collections of hymns authorized for use in the Episcopal Church.
- Supplements to the Hymnal 1982
- Lift Every Voice and Sing II
- Wonder, Love, and Praise
- Come Celebrate! A Hymnal Supplement
- El Himnario
- Songs for Celebration
Hymnals Online
- Ritesong – Online Hymnal Image Subscription Library
- The Hymnal 1982
- The Hymnal 1982
- Wonder, Love, and Praise
- Every Voice and Sing II
Copyright & Licensing
- To legally reprint music in your bulletins, you must have a reprint license. To legally broadcast copyrighted music, poetry, art, books, movies, plays, etc in your live-streamed services, you must have a streaming license or use music in the public domain. Please read this document regarding U.S Copyright Issues Related to Live Streamed Music. Also, refer to the Caffeinated Church’s Streaming Copyright Guide
Purchase a license:
- OneLicense catalog includes The Hymnal 1982 and other hymnals authorized by the Episcopal Church
- CCLI has a catalog of over 300,000 Christian songs
- CCS has a catalog of over 17 million songs and covers both secular and Christian songs from all genres.
Church Musicians Leadership Resources / Training
Professional Music Organizations
- Association of Anglican Musicians (AAM)
- American Guild of Organist (AGO)
- American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
- Royal School of Church Music (RSCM)
- RSCM in America
- Handbell Musicians of America (HMA)
- The Hymn Society of the US and Canada
- The Organ Historical Society
- Church Music Publishers Association
Books for Music and Liturgical Planning
Books can be purchased through Episcopal Bookstore, Church Publishing, and other booksellers
- The Episcopal Musician’s Handbook by the Living Church Foundation
- Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary by Carl P. Daw Jr. and Thomas Pavlechko.
Sheet Music and Sacred Music Resource Suppliers
- J.W. Pepper Music Company
- GIA Publications
- Morning Star / Canticle Distributing
- Augsburg Fortress
- Alliance Music
- Christian Copyright Licensing Incorporated (CCLI)
- Cantate Domino – Free Sacred Sheet Music for download
- Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL) Free choral sheet music
- Oxford University Press – MUSIC
A Sampling of Psalters
Available for purchase through Episcopal Bookstore, Church Publishing, and other booksellers.
- The Anglican Psalter edited by John Scott
- The Anglican Psalter Online – Edited by Alect Wyton
- The Ionian Psalter available for purchase by churches through Ionian Arts
- The St. Alban’s Psalter – Rarely-viewed 12th c manuscript is now available online
- The Portland Psalter Book One: Liturgical Years ABC edited by Robert A. Hawthorne
- The Portland Psalter Book Two, Responsorial Psalms for Congregation, Cantor & Choir edited by Robert A. Hawthorne
- The Plainsong Psalter edited by James Litton
- The Emergent Psalter by Isaac Everett
- The Genevan Psalter by David T. Koyzis
- A HymnTune Psalter by Carl P. Daw, Jr. and Kevin R.Hackett
- Saint Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter available for purchase on
- A New Metrical Psalter by Christopher L. Webber
- More Psalters from Church Publishing
Resources for Adult / Parish Choirs
Books are available for purchase on Episcopal Bookstore, Church Publishing, and other booksellers.
- Evensong – About
- The Taize Community
- Small Church Choirs – Resources / Ideas – For church choirs with few or no men
- Choralnet Small Church Choirs Forum
- 5 Ideas to Build Your Church Choir
- Tune My Heart to Sing: Devotions for Church Choirs, Cycles A, B, and C by Wayne Wold
Resources for Children’s Choirs and Teaching Children to Sing
- RSCM – Royal School of Church Music Link to US organization
- Healthy Singing with Young Children – From Montessori World
- Teaching Children to Sing – Statement from American Academy of Teachers of Singing
- FAQs from Directors of Children and Youth Choirs – Choristers Guild
- Lifeline for Children’s Choir Directors – Jean Ashworth Bartle
- Scripture-based anthems for young children –
- Teaching Singing & Voice to Children and Adolescents
- Notes for Healthy Singing in Children
- Sacred Songs for Children – Anna Laura Page
- Favorite Sacred Songs for Children (Holy Days and Holidays) – Anna Laura Page
- Ideas for Sacred Music for Children’s Choirs – MusicaSacra Forum
- Sacred Musicals for Children and Youth Choirs – J.W. Pepper Music Company
- Sacred Choral Collection for Children – The Lorenz Corporation
- Revealing Riches and Building Lives: Youth Choir Ministry in the New Millenium
- CME – Choral Music Experience workshops around the US
- CME – Choral Music Experience Series by Boosey & Hawkes – Doreen Rao, Editor
Resources for Organists
- Choir and Organ
- The Diapason
- International Society of Organ Builders
- The Organ
- The Organ Forum –
- The Organ Historical Society
- PipeDreams
- Pipe Organ Education Project
- Pipe Organs and Music
- Resources for Handbell Choirs
Handbell and Chime Resources
- Handbell Musicians of American
- Handbells for Children
- Handbells and Hand Chimes – Schulmerich Bell Company
Other Resource Libraries
- Choralnet Church Music Links
- ChoralNut – Church Music & Liturgy Page

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