Dear friends,
Thank you for your time today. Please stay safe and know that we are here to help not only throughout the storm but also in the days to come.
The safety of you, your family, and members of your congregation is of utmost importance. So, if you feel as though cancelling services is the best course of action, feel free to do so. If you wish to gather your congregation for prayers, you may consider holding something via ZOOM Sunday morning. However, do what you feel is best and safest. This is also an opportunity to check in with your most vulnerable parishioners and neighbors. Also, if you decide to evacuate, please let someone outside of your immediate household know of your plans. You may also share our contact information in case you are unable to reach us.
Here is some follow-up information and resources for you.
The link to the Disaster Preparedness Guide can be found HERE.
View the Episcopal Asset Map Hurricane Tracker HERE.
Be sure that you secure personal and church property. This includes parish registers, sacred vessels, important documents and keys. It is also advisable to make a video inventory of your space, if possible.
If you have a claim, Church Insurance can be reached at 1-800-223-5705. They are ready to receive your calls.
Other contact numbers:
Bishop Morris Thompson: 504-858-8838
Canon Shannon Duckworth: 504-252-1001
Fr. Robert Beazley (Disaster Coordinator): 850-508-5284
Diocesan office (this number will still work remotely): 504-895-6634
There will be a follow-up Zoom call Monday at 1:00 pm. In addition, we will be sending out an Alert Media text on Monday. This will give you an opportunity to report back to us if you have sustained any damage or need to be contacted.
The prayer that we read at the beginning of the call:
Heavenly Father, we ask you to calm the wind and the waves of the approaching hurricane, and spare those in its path from harm. Help those who are in its way to reach safety. Open our hearts and minds in generosity to all who need help in the coming days. In all things, in all ways, and in all times, help us to never forget that even when our journey through this life seems dark and stormy, you are in the boat with us, guiding us to safety. Amen.
(Prayer modified and shared from a post in 2012 by J. Martin)
You all remain in my prayers,
The Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson, Jr.
Bishop of Louisiana