Community Mission Appeal
What is the Community Mission Appeal?
When we let God’s love open the door to our church and our hearts, transformative ministry begins. Episcopalians throughout the Diocese of Louisiana have opened doors to feed the hungry, revitalize neighborhoods stricken by poverty, minister to strangers and prisoners, educate children, care for senior citizens, and so much more. All of us can participate in these missions in different ways. Many of us can donate our time and effort. All of us can offer up our prayers and make a financial donation in some amount, small or large.
The Community Mission Appeal – or CMA – is dedicated to taking our diocese’s mission beyond the physical walls of our churches. One hundred percent of the gifts received through CMA will go directly to churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana in the form of grants to support the development and continuing strength of mission work.
The CMA is not the same as the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund. The Bishop’s Discretionary Fund is a special needs fund to meet unplanned needs and unbudgeted requests during the year.
3 Ways to Give to the CMA
Pay online by credit card
Click here to donate nowDrop a check in the offering plate at church
Make checks payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, with CMA in the memo line.
Mail a check to the Bishop’s Office
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Att: Community Mission Appeal
1623 Seventh St.
New Orleans, LA 70115
Make checks payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, with CMA in the memo line.

1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511
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