This post is an ongoing narrative of the effect of Hurricane Ida on our diocese and the relief work and restoration. It was last updated on October 8, 2021. See a list of revisions here. Additions, corrections, or to add photographs to this post, email Karen Mackey at
Click here to view an archive of all Hurricane Ida-related blog posts, including a week-by-week view of relief and recovery work.
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Hurricane Ida’s Effect on Louisiana and the Diocese of Louisiana
On August 29, 2021, Hurricane Ida carved a path straight through the middle of our diocese. In Louisiana, the category 4 hurricane winds caused catastrophic damage to structures where it came onshore and to the infrastructure, especially the power grid, as it moved north. The pressure from the winds caused complete roof failure on many structures, especially near the path of the eyewall. Outside of the levee protection system and on the west and north shores of Lake Ponchartrain, the storm surge caused flooding to homes and businesses as well as wind damage. There was river flooding in several locations in the diocese.
Following the storm, the entire region was without electricity and fuel, food, and water was a scarce commodity. As of 9/20/21, electricity has been restored to the majority of the area. Fuel and grocery store shelves are limited but are slowly being restored to full capacity.
View photographs of the aftermath of Hurricane Ida from media outlets:
- WWLTV, “Photos: Aftermath of Hurricane Ida in the Hardest Hit Areas”
- The Atlantic, “Photos of Hurricane Ida Aftermath”
- The Guardian, “Hurricane Ida’s Rampage Through Louisiana”
-, “Photos of Hurricane Ida’s Category 4 Landfall (PHOTOS)”
-, “See Hurricane Ida From Around Louisiana”
- Fox8 News, “Photos, Videos of Hurricane Ida’s Aftermath”
- Reuters, “From New Orleans to New York: Hurricane Ida’s Long Trail of Devastation”
The church buildings in our diocese sustaining the most damage were those nearest to where the hurricane eye came onshore and along its path. Church buildings in other areas of the diocese incurred minor to moderate wind damage or damage due to wind-driven rain. One church had both wind damage and storm surge flooding from Lake Ponchartrain.
The following churches sustained significant damage:
- Grace Memorial, Hammond
- St. Andrew’s, Bayou Dularge
- St. Andrew’s, Paradis
- St. George’s, New Orleans
- St. John’s, Thibodaux
- St. Matthew’s, Houma
- St. Paul’s, New Orleans
- St. Timothy’s, LaPlace
- Trinity Church, New Orleans
Of the congregations who sustained major damage to their buildings, St. Andrew’s, Paradis, and St. Matthew’s, Houma, are the only ones able to use their naves for worship services. The other congregations are either holding virtual services, worshiping in their parish halls, or are being hosted by other congregations.
For weeks following the storm, the hidden damage began to reveal itself. Church buildings that appeared to have sustained no or minor damage started showing signs of moisture instrusion from the pressure of the winds forcing the rainwater into the walls and ceilings. Assessing the full extent of the damage is ongoing. However, remediation and cleanup work began immediately thanks to the support of Church Insurance. The diocesan staff continues to be in contact with all our congregations as they navigate through remediation, insurance claims, and pastoral needs. The ongoing restoration work for each congregation is detailed below.
Relief & Recovery Efforts in the Diocese of Louisiana
Our diocesan disaster response team and volunteers have been on the ground, before, during, and after the hurricane, assessing the critical needs following the hurricane, providing pastoral care, and conducting damage assessments to church property. The team meets on a regular basis following the storm.
Immediately following the storm, Church Insurance has been on the ground in Louisiana working with congregations to assess the damage and provide remediation work.
Congregations are involved in their community doing relief work and serving as distribution or coordination sites for hurricane relief. Congregations in the areas not as affected are collecting and transporting supplies to the hardest-hit areas and sending volunteers to assist in the cleanup.
Our neighboring dioceses, the Diocese of Western Louisiana, the Diocese of Texas, and the Diocese of Mississippi, have been instrumental in providing volunteer teams, evacuee support, and donating disaster supplies and food. We will continue to partner with them in the days to come.
Our Relief and Recovery Plan
There are three components to our relief and recovery work following Hurricane Ida:
- Provide emergency assistance in the community through distributing gift cards, distributing disaster supplies, cooking and serving meals, cleaning up storm debris, and providing pastoral care.
- Repair damaged churches.
- Building capacity to respond to future disasters.
3 Things You Can Do to Help With Hurricane Ida Recovery
1. Volunteer For Hurricane Ida Relief
Volunteers are needed to help us clean up debris, distribute disaster supplies, cook and/or serve meals, and provide pastoral care. Teams from out of state are welcome, but for now, we are unable to provide housing.
Churches are encouraged to contact our volunteer coordinator, Meg Kendrick, to sign up for particular work days,
2. Donate to a Hurricane Relief Fund
Financial gifts are greatly appreciated and will help us provide immediate assistance to those in greatest need.
Episcopal Relief and Development’s Hurricane Relief Fund
Your gift to Episcopal Relief and Development will provide their partners on the ground with critical supplies, such as food and water, pastoral care, and other urgent needs. You’ll also help them assist with the long-term efforts needed to rebuild and heal. Our diocese has partnered with Episcopal Relief and Development for 16 years providing critical relief following disasters.
Bishop Thompson Hurricane Relief Fund
Your gift to Bishop’s Thompson Hurricane Relief Fund will provide disaster assistance in the community and will help cover the costs of the expenses of rebuilding our damaged churches not covered by insurance.
3. Help Us Build Capacity for Future Disasters
We are facing the reality that climate change will continue to bring strong hurricanes to the shores of the Gulf Coast. How do we as Episcopalians living in Louisiana build the capacity to reach out and serve our communities quickly and prevent and mitigate damage when the storms come our way? We are in the process of exploring ideas with congregations across our diocese and developing partnerships with other faith-based organizations.
Funding Sources: The diocesan disaster team is in the process of securing grants to assist with our ongoing recovery and rebuilding work. If you know of a funding source, please contact the Rev. Canon Allison Reid at
Develop Your Disaster Plan: Developing a plan before a disaster can help you respond more effectively. Congregations can learn more about developing a disaster plan here: Individuals and families can go here:
Share your connections. Share your ideas. Do you have a connection with faith-based or NGOs? Contact a member of the EDOLA disaster response team.
- Canon to the Ordinary: The Rev. Canon Shannon Duckworth (
- Diocesan Disaster Coordinator: The Rev. Robert Beazley, (
- Canon Missioner: The Rev. Canon Allison Reid (
- Volunteer Coordinator: Meg Kendrick (
- Communication Director: Karen Mackey (
Impact of Grants & Donations Received
Amount: $25,000 on September 10 for immediate emergency use in the aftermath of the storm
Congregation-by-Congregation Look at Damage Assessments, Restoration, and Relief Efforts
Southwest Deanery
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Mission on Bayou DuLarge, Theriot

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
This area of the diocese sat under Hurricane Ida’s eyewall for hours with sustained Category 4 strength winds for hours. St. Andrew’s Mission on Bayou DuLarge sustained significant damage. Large sections of the roof were ripped off. There was wind and water damage to the sanctuary. The levee protection system prevented flooding from storm surge.
The town of Theriot suffered catastrophic damage. There is no power or running water in the area.
Church Insurance sent an adjuster down to survey the damage. We are waiting on their report. A volunteer team from our diocese removed the wet carpeting and debris from the church. A parishioner from Grace Church, St. Francisville, has offered to restore the pews and church furniture. The stained glass windows, lovingly made by a parishioner, were not harmed and will be removed soon for safe storage. (As of September 12, 2021)
Worship Services
Church services are on hold for now and will be evaluated on a weekly basis as to when and where they will resume.
Hurricane Relief Work
After the storm, St. Andrew’s distributed gift cards. Funds for the gift cards came from the emergency assistance grant from Episcopal Relief and Development.
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Thibodaux

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. John’s, Thiboudax, sustained wind damage to the roof and water damage to the church through broken windows.
The town of Thibodaux sustained significant damage during the storm.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. John’s is serving as a distribution site for hurricane relief supplies.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Franklin
Damage to Church Property
No damage was reported.
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church & School, Houma

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. Matthew’s, Houma, sustained water damage in the interior of the school, naive, and administration building from the pressure of the winds driving the rain and broken windows. We are waiting on a report from Church Insurance on the extent of the damage and the next steps.
The town of Houma sustained catastrophic damage during the storm.
Worship Services
Trinity Episcopal Church, Morgan City
Damage to Church Property
No damage was reported.
Jefferson Deanery
All Saints’ Episcopal Church, River Ridge

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
All Saints’, River Ridge, has minor roof damage. No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Paradis

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
The eye of Hurricane Ida passed over this area of the diocese with Category 3 winds. St. Andrew’s, Paradis, sustained wind damage to the roof and rain-driven water damage to the sanctuary.
The neighborhood around St. Andrew’s sustained significant damage. St. Andrew’s is located in the civil parish of St. Charles. It was reported that almost every structure saw damaged roofs. There a number of downed trees, and storm surge in parts of the parish.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Volunteer teams will soon be deployed by our diocese to help clean up the neighborhood and distribute disaster supplies, food, and assistance.
St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church and Preschool, Metairie

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. Augustine’s, Metairie, received water damage to the church, parish hall, and church office from wind-driven rain and a wind-damaged roof.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
The roof has been tarped and a cleanup crew has been contracted. Electricity has been restored to the church and surrounding neighborhood.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Kenner
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church & The Little School, Metairie
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Minor damage to the roof.
Worship Services
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church & Preschool, LaPlace

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. Timothy’s, LaPlace, received significant damage during Hurricane Ida from wind and storm surge from Lake Ponchartrain. The eye of Hurricane Ida passed over this area of the diocese bringing Category 3 strength winds.
The neighborhood around St. Timothy’s received significant wind and flood damage.
Worship Services
Northshore Deanery
All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Ponchatoula
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
All Saints’, Ponchatoula, received roof, water, and tree damage.
The town of Ponchatoula received significant damage to structures caused by wind, falling trees, and river flooding.
Worship Services
Christ Episcopal Church, Christ Episcopal School, and Christwood, Covington

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Christ Church, Covington, received flood damage to the school’s Early Childhood Campus. No other damage has been reported to the church campus, main school campus, or to Christwood.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Christ Episcopal Church, Slidell
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Christ Church, Slidell, received water damage to the nursery.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage. There was flooding in the neighborhoods along Lake Ponchartrain due to storm surge.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Church of the Incarnation, Amite
Damage to Church Property
No damage was reported.
Grace Memorial Episcopal Church, Hammond

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Grace Memorial, Hammond, received significant roof damage causing water damage in the church, office, and parish hall.
The city of Hammond received significant damage to structures caused by wind and falling trees.
Worship Services
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Bogalusa
Damage to Church Property
There was minor damage to the roof.
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church & Preschool, Mandeville

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. Michael’s, Mandeville, received little damage during Hurricane Ida.
The town of Mandeville had some damage due to falling trees and flooding in the neighborhoods along Lake Ponchartrain due to wind and storm surge.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
New Orleans Downtown and Uptown Deaneries
Chapel of the Holy Comforter, New Orleans
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Chapel of the Holy Comforter, New Orleans, has some minor roof damage and water leaks.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Chapel of the Holy Spirit, New Orleans

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
The front door of the Chapel of the Holy Spirit was smashed, roof damage, and there was minor water damage in the sanctuary.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Chapel of the Holy Spirit has distributed gift cards to those needing assistance.
Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Christ Church Cathedral had minor water damage in the bell tower.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Christ Church Cathedral has been distributing gift cards in the Central City neighborhood of New Orleans to those needed assistance. They also, with the assistance of St. Patrick’s, Zachary, provided twelve 55 gallons of gasoline that were distributed among police departments and non-profits in Orleans Parish and St. Tammany Parish. They are involved in providing volunteer assistance in feeding ministries in the Central City neighborhood. They are sharing their worship space with St. Paul’s, New Orleans, until they are able to return to their own building.
Joining with St. Paul’s to collect hurricane relief, cleaning, and rebuilding supplies for the native people of the Grand Bayou Community.
Church of the Annunciation, New Orleans
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Church of the Annunciation, New Orleans, had minor damage to the roof.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Mount Olivet, New Orleans
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Mount Olivet, New Orleans, had minor damage to the roof.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church and School, New Orleans

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Anna’s Episcopal Church, New Orleans

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. Anna’s, New Orleans, has some roof damage.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Electricity has been restored to the church and neighborhood. Worship services have resumed.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. George’s Episcopal Church, New Orleans

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. George’s, New Orleans, had roof damage and water damage to the sanctuary.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Electricity has been restored.
The building is in the process of being dried out.
Worship Services
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, New Orleans
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. Luke’s, New Orleans, has roof and water damage to the church and rectory.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Harvey

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. Mark’s, Harvey, has water damage in the parish hall. A volunteer team from Mississippi assisted with remediation in the church. Worship services have resumed.
St. Mark’s will serve as a distribution site for hurricane relief supplies and food.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, New Orleans

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. Paul’s, New Orleans, received significant water damage due to roof damage and from wind-driven rain and wind pressure that seeped into the walls and ceilings.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
9/22/21:St. Paul’s has feed people in Paradis.
They are collecting hurricane relief supplies and rebuilding supplies for the native people of the Grand Bayou Community.
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, New Orleans
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
St. Philip’s, New Orleans, had no significant damage other than trees and fencing.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Trinity Church, New Orleans, has water damage due to water leaks and significant damage to the roof and supporting structure. Worship services have resumed in the parish hall.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Baton Rouge Deanery
Church of the Holy Communion, Plaquemine
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Church of the Nativity, Rosedale
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Church of the Transfiguration, Angola
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Grace Church, St. Francisville
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Alban’s Chapel, Baton Rouge
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Andrew’s, Clinton
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Augustine’s, Baton Rouge
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Francis Episcopal Church, Denham Springs
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
A tree fell on the Sunday school building at St. Francis, Denham Springs. No noticeable damage to the church. Worship services have resumed.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. James Church, School and St. James Place, Baton Rouge

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Baton Rouge Food Bank
Distributed hurricane supplies in Thibodaux
St. Luke’s, Baton Rouge
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Margaret’s, Baton Rouge
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Mary’s, Morganza
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Michael & All Angels, Baton Rouge
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church, Zachary

Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
HVAC issues and minor roof damage
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Coordinated with Christ Church Cathedral to purchase and deliver twelve 55 gallons of gasoline that were distributed among police departments and non-profits in Orleans Parish and St. Tammany Parish.
St. Patrick’s, Zachary, organized a relief effort called “57 ft of Love.” They filled a 57ft trailer with hurricane relief supplies. It was delivered to the Houma-Terrebone Civic Center on September 29, 2021. List of churches, schools, and organizations that donated to this hurricane relief project: Gremillion Trucking; Rollins Place Elementary; Episcopal School of BR; St. Luke’s BR; St. Margaret’s BR; St. James BR; Ozark Insurance Company; Lane Regional Medical Center; Home Depot in Zachary; Zachary Charity League; St. Phillips Episcopal Church, Beulah, MI; Church of the Holy Trinity, Manistee, MI; The Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest, Abilene, TX; All Saints Episcopal Church, Boise, ID; St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Corinth, MS; Christ Episcopal Church, Bowling Green, KY; St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Diamondhead, MS; Church of the Resurrection, Oklahoma City, OK; St. Augustine of Canterbury, Aiken, SC; Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Shawnee, OK.
St. Paul’s Holy Trinity, New Roads
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
St. Stephen’s, Innis
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Trinity Church, Baton Rouge
Damage to Church Property and Neighborhood
No damage was reported.
No significant widespread damage to the neighborhood other than roof and tree damage.
Worship Services
Hurricane Relief Work
Diocesan Property
Episcopal School of Baton Rouge
Noland Center

The Noland Center received roof damage. Electricity has been restored to the office and the neighborhood. The bishop’s office has resumed regular office hours.
Before, during, and after the hurricane, the bishop’s staff (who also work on the diocesan disaster team) have been on the ground providing pastoral care, assessing critical needs, and damage assessment as well as conducting regular diocesan business.
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center

St. Martin’s Episcopal School, Metairie
Churches with Minor or No Damage
Below are congregations and schools reporting no or minimal damage to property as of 9/13/2021. Damage assessment is ongoing. We will update this list as the damage assessment continues.
- All Saints’, River Ridge (Roof and water damage)
- Chapel of the Holy Comforter, New Orleans (Minor water leaks and roof damage)
- Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
- Church of the Annuncation, New Orleans (Minor roof damage)
- Church of the Incarnation, Amite
- Church of the Holy Communion, Plaquemine
- Church of the Nativity, Rosedale
- Episcopal School of Baton Rouge
- Grace Church and Preschool, St. Francisville
- Mount Olivet, New Orleans (Minor roof damage)
- St. Alban’s Chapel, Baton Rouge
- St. Andrew’s, Clinton
- St. Andrew’s Church and School, New Orleans
- St. Augustine’s, Baton Rouge
- St. James Church and School and St. James Place, Baton Rouge
- St. John’s, Kenner
- St. Luke’s Church and School, Baton Rouge
- St. Margaret’s, Baton Rouge
- St. Martin’s, Metairie (Minor roof damage)
- St. Martin’s Episcopal School, Metairie (Minor damage)
- St. Mary’s, Franklin
- St. Mary’s, Morganza
- St. Matthew’s, Bogalusa (Minor roof damage)
- St. Michael’s & All Angels, Baton Rouge
- St. Michael’s Church and Preschool, Mandeville (Minor damage)
- St. Patrick’s Church and Preschool, Zachary (HVAC issues and minor roof damage)
- St. Paul’s Holy Trinity, New Roads
- St. Philip’s, New Orleans
- St. Stephen’s, Innis
- Trinity Church and School, Baton Rouge
- Trinity Church, Morgan City
9/16/2021: Added photographs of relief work by Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans
9/17/2021: Added photographs of the damage to St. George’s, New Orleans; relief work at St. John’s, Thibodaux; relief work by St. Patrick’s, Zachary
9/19/2021: Added photographs of St. George’s, New Orleans; Trinity Church, New Orleans; and St. Matthew’s, Houma; Rearranged paragraphs for clarity
10/1/2021: Added volunteer opportunities, recovery plan; photographs to various churches
10/8/21: Updated relief efforts of St. Patrick’s, Zachary; St. Luke’s, Baton Rouge; Christ Church, Slidell; Added photographs to St. Paul’s, New Orleans, St. Patrick’s, Zachary