The congregation was invited to light a candle as an expression of solidarity with the homeless and the faith communities of New Orleans.On Wednesday, December 2 faith communities across New Orleans came together at St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church to remember the sixteen homeless people who died while living on the streets.  Participating in the service were faith leaders from Christian denominations, Judaism, and Islam. Clergy participating from our diocese were Deacon Jay Albert, Deacon Maggie Dawson, the Rt. Rev. Duncan Gray, the Rev. Stephen Craft, and Rev. Minka Sprague.

Some of the most moving moments of the service included a reflection from Bishop Gray and a personal testimony from Mr. Edward Homes, a man who was formerly homeless. The names of the 16 homeless who died in New Orleans this year were read aloud while a candle was lit in their memory. Those men and women are: Bill Anaka, Ricky Carter, Carolyn England, Dianne Folse, Carleton Goodwin, Alvin Hardin, Dave Hebron III, Danny Holmes, Robert Laban, John McCoy, Mohammed Qaryouti, Billy Reed, Anthony Scott, Charles Swain, David Taylor, and an unidentified man, found on the street by the Rebuild Center near St. Joseph Church.

At the conclusion of the service the congregation was invited to light a candle and place it on the altar rail to express solidarity with the homeless and the faith communities of New Orleans.