John Boyd
John has felt a call to the diaconate for several years and has been actively pursuing that calling for the last few years. He is now ready to embark on the next step of his journey with formation education beginning in September at Iona in Mississippi. There are many aspects of the formation process that John is looking forward to, a deeper education in the study of Jesus and the Episcopal Church, the personal growth that will come with learning new things and meeting new people and ultimately the skills and growth necessary to serve Jesus, the Episcopal Diocese, and of course the people that he meets along the way in a more intimate and beneficial way.
Joey Clavijo
Outside the doors of the church, Joey serves as Eucharistic minister to the sick, and participates in monthly services at Poydras Home. He works with Grace at the Green Light, another homeless outreach. He works with Episcopal Relief and Development, and is a member of the diocesan stewardship consulting team and has recently served with the assessment support team.
“As I enter formation, I most look forward to learning. Being open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, who speaks to me in prayer and in community with others I am privileged to join on this journey”.