News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Sign up for Sustain Island Home, the Episcopal Church Carbon Tracker
by George Bond, a parishioner at St. George's, New Orleans, and member of the Environmental Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana “God so loved the world that he gave his only son ...” is not a pious platitude or a simple religious refrain. It is a...
Celebrating the 110th Birthday of Mr. Lawrence Brooks
Mr. Lawrence Brook, the oldest living American World War II veteran and the oldest parishioner in the Diocese of Louisiana, turned 110 on September 12. There was a grand celebration to...
Finding Inspiration for Ministry: Applying Lesson Learned While Earning a D. Min.
by the Rev. Fred Devall, Rector, St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Metairie All clergy are required to engage in some form of continuing education. Over the years I have been to several excellent conferences, leadership programs, and seminars, but none have been as...
St. Francis Pet Blessings
Pet Blessings will take place in the Diocese of Louisiana on September 28, October 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 27. Please join us! %event_content% ...
St. James’ Received Commendation from the State Legislature
St. James', Baton Rouge, received a special commendation from the Louisiana State Senate on the occasion of their 175th Anniversary. You can read it here: This year also marks 200 years of an Episcopal...
You Can Help Save Our Coast
by Helen Rose Patterson, Restore the Mississippi River Delta, as originally published in the June 2019 issue of Churchwork Restore the Mississippi River Delta is a coalition of the National Wildlife Federation, National Audubon Society, Environmental Defense Fund,...
St. Marks’ Green Team
by Tiffany Wilson, St. Marks, Harvey, as originally published in the June 2019 issue of Churchwork We built an organic community garden in the front yard of our church using mostly repurposed materials. It is surrounded by a brightly colored picket fence and...
For the Love of the Earth
by Deacon Joey Clavijo as originally published in the June 2018 issue of Churchwork Our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael Curry is always preaching about love. One of his most popular quotes is: “If it’s not about love, it’s not about God.” If you asked...
132nd Annual Gathering of the ECW
The 132nd Annual Gathering of the Episcopal Church Women took place from May 17-18 at St. Matthew’s, Houma. The keynote speaker was the Rev. Kellie Wilson, associate priest for faith development at Christ Church Episcopal in Greenville, South Carolina. There was time...
The 23rd Presentation of Honored Women of the ECW
[Photograph by Katherine Gilbert] Left to right: Katheryn Johnson, Janie Leblanc, and Gail Duhe The 23rd Presentation of Honored Women By the Episcopal Church Women In the Diocese of Louisiana Recognized for their ministry and service in the name of our Lord Jesus...
2019 Gaudet Community Grant Recipients Announced
The Gaudet Committee announces the awarding of 13 community grants for the 2019 program year. The Gaudet Community Grant provides funding for not-for-profit agencies that create, manage, and expand educational opportunities for African-American children within the...
Journey to the Holy Land with the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana in 2020
Download the information bookDownload the registration formNovember 1-12, 2020Under the Direction of the Rev. Rob CourtneyLocal Guide: Canon Iyad QumriRegistration and $500 deposit are due by November 1, 2019.$2,195 final payment due September 1, 2020.You are invited...
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