News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Lessons and Carols 2018
“Beloved in Christ, in this season of Advent, let it be our care and delight to prepare ourselves to hear again the message of the Angels, and in heart and mind to go even unto Bethlehem, to see the Babe lying in a manger.” Below you will find a list of Lessons and...
Thanksgiving Services 2018
Almighty and gracious Father, we give you thanks for the fruits of the earth in their season and for the labors of those who harvest them. Make us, we pray, faithful stewards of your great bounty, for the provision of our necessities and the relief of all who are in...
2018 CMA Grant Recipients
by the Rev. John Pitzer, CMA Committee Co-Chair Let Love Open the Door, was the theme this year for the Community Mission Appeal. CMA, is a grant program to assist specific ministries in the diocese who are in need of financial assistance. The funds are raised from...
Clergy Transitions Since the 180th Annual Convention
Clergy Transitions (Since the 180th Annual Convention on November 3, 2017) New Clergy in the Diocese The Rev. John "Brad" St. Romain was licensed to the Diocese of Louisiana from the Diocese of Texas on January 25, 2018. The Rev. Stephen Shortess was ordained...
Pastoral Care to Refugees in the Arab World
by Dr. Caroline Caroson, Seminarian, The University of the South I received a UTO grant in January 2018 for my proposal “Pastoral Care to Refugees in the Arab World” and for work in the Diocese of Egypt, North...
St. Luke’s Seeking and Serving Christ
by Lisa Lee, Co-chair of the Mission and Outreach Committee, and the Rev. Bryan Owens, Rector, St. Luke’s, Baton Rouge This year the parish church of St. Luke in Baton Rouge is responding to God’s call to more...
St. Alban’s Legacy Campaign: Open Doors. Every Day. For Everybody
by the Rev. Drew Rollins, Chaplain, St. Alban's Chapel, Baton Rouge St. Alban's Chapel is a mission-driven ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana that provides a place of refuge, hospitality, and worship for the students, faculty, staff, and wider community of...
Why Reinvent the Wheel?
by the Rev. Rob Courtney, Rector, St. Paul's, New Orleans “We need to have our own ministry.” I heard these words a lot in the wake of closing our St. Paul’s Homecoming Center in 2015. The Homecoming Center was the ministry...
Art on the Go Closes Its Second Round of Camps
by Gale Roy, Arts Council of Pointe Coupee Executive Director The Arts Council of Pointe Coupee is pleased with the second round of Art on the Go camps which visited the Innis Library on Tuesday, July 10 and St. Augustine Catholic Church on Thursday, July 12. Twenty...
Why a Sanctuary Church?
by the Very Rev. Bill Terry, rector of St. Anna's Episcopal Church St. Anna's Church has long had a reputation of being located in a kind of hardscrabble part of town. The fact is St. Anna's is a bit odd. But then again so are the people that are drawn to St. Anna's....
Photographs: Ordination of the Rev. Gina Jenkins
The Rev. Gina Brewster Jenkins was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests on Monday, July 25 at St. Paul's, New Orleans. She will begin as chaplain of St. Paul's School on July 2. [gallery order="DESC"...
Photographs: Ordination of the Rev. Stephen Shortess
The Rev. Stephen Shortess was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests on Saturday, June 23 at St. John's, Thibodaux. He served his first Sunday as priest-in-charge of St. John's and Trinity, Morgan City, on June 24. [gallery...
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