News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Stations of the Cross 2018
A calendar of upcoming Stations of the Cross found throughout the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft='prev today next basicDay basicWeek month' headerCenter='title' headerRight='venue' event_tag='stations-of-the-cross'...
Feast of Frances Joseph Gaudet
On January 14, the diocese gathered for the annual celebration of the Feast of Blessed Frances Joseph Gaudet. The Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson, Jr. was the officiant. The Rev. LeBaron Taylor was the preacher. Music was provided by Michaela Harrison, Dr. Courtney Bryan,...
Rector Search: St. James, Baton Rouge (Closed)
The search has been closed. St. Parish Profile St. James OTM One of the oldest and largest parishes in the Diocese of Louisiana, St. James is frequently looked to for its leadership and stability. Whether through spiritual renewal, volunteer ministry, traditional...
Epiphany in the Diocese of Louisiana 2018
[ai1ec tag_name="epiphany" view="stream" exact_date='1-1-2018' display_filters="false"]
Recycle Your Christmas Tree
by Tiffany Wilson, Member of the Environmental Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana Happy New Year! Start your new year off right, recycle your Christmas tree! Across Louisiana, there are many different organizations that need your Christmas trees for...
Photographs: Installation of the Rev. Andrew Thayer as Rector of Trinity
The Rev. Andrew Thayer was installed as the rector of Trinity Church, New Orleans, on November 29, 2017. [gallery order="DESC"...
Photographs: Ordination of John Tober to the Sacred Order of Priests
The Rev. John Tober was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests on December 20 2017, at Trinity Church, Baton Rouge. He will continue serving as the curate and day school chaplain at Trinity. [gallery order="DESC"...
Photographs: Ordination of Bobby Hadzor to the Sacred Order of Priests
The Rev. Bobby Price-Hadzor was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests on December 18, 2017, at Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans. He will continue to serve as the chaplain of Trinity Episcopal School and assist at St. Augustine’s, Metairie. ...
Photographs: Ordination of Gina Jenkins and Stephen Shortess
Ordination of the Gina Jenkins and Stephen Shortess to the Sacred Order of Deacons on December 16, 2017, at Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans.
Religious Studies Teacher/ School Chaplain Update: Filled
St. Paul’s Episcopal School, an independent, coeducational infant through 8th-grade school in New Orleans, Louisiana seeks a full time experienced religious studies teacher for Pre-K through eighth grade beginning with the 2018-2019 school year. The teacher in...
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New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511
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