News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Episcopalians face into ‘catastrophic and life-threatening’ Hurricane Harvey
Interstate highway 45 is submerged during widespread flooding Aug. 28 in Houston. Photo: REUTERS/Richard Carson [Episcopal News Service] As Hurricane Harvey stalled over the Houston area causing catastrophic and deadly flooding, Episcopalians across south Texas are...
What to Do When a Disaster Strikes
by Deacon Elaine Clements, Diocesan Disaster Coordinator Here are some reminders about what to do when disaster strikes that we hope you will take to heart and share with your friends and relatives. Do not self-deploy as a volunteer to a disaster area. We know...
Facebook Posts: Follow the Gaudet Community Grant Recipients
Four organizations received Gaudet Community Grants. We are catching up with them through Facebook: St. Anna's, New Orleans St. Anna's received two grants to support their Anna's Place ministry. One was to support after school programming which is an arts-integrated,...
Photographs: Joint Confirmation, St. Margaret’s and St. Patrick’s
St. Margaret's, Baton Rouge, and St. Patrick's, Zachary, held a joint confirmation Sunday on August 13. The service was followed by a potluck dinner with music from the St. Margaret's House Band. Congratulations to everyone confirmed or received into the Episcopal...
Photographs: Camp Able at St. Andrew’s, New Orleans
St. Andrew's, New Orleans, hosted and volunteered with Camp Able, a camp devoted to give a camp experience to children of diverse abilities.. This is the second year the church has opened the doors to the group. Philosophy of Camp Able: Camp Able is a vacation,...
Photographs: The Rev. Andrew Thayer First Sunday at Trinity, New Orleans
Trinity welcomed their new rector, the Rev. Andrew Thayer, on Sunday, August 6.
New Orleans camp celebrates kids’ inner superhero | WDSU
Located inside St. Andrew's Episcopal Church on Carrollton Avenue in New Orleans, Camp Able is a special camp for children with special needs. While it's only in its second year, it's already growing by leaps and bounds, tripling in size from its inaugural year. At...
This Baton Rouge church assists the needy one wash load at a time | The Advocate
"If I had clean clothes, people would treat me as a human being." That chilling statement, made by a homeless man living in Ventura, California, became the impetus for Laundry Love. Founded 12 years ago by Greg Russinger, the movement partners with individuals, groups...
Press Release: Planning for Your Future and Legacy – Baton Rouge
“Planning for Your Future and Legacy” Resource Fair August 17 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church 12663 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 The Congregational Consultants for Stewardship of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana invites all Baton Rouge...
Press Release: Planning for Your Future and Legacy – Metairie
“Planning for Your Future and Legacy” Resource Fair August 24 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm St. Martin’s Episcopal Church 2216 Metairie Rd, Metairie, LA 70001 The Congregational Consultants for Stewardship of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana invites all New Orleans...
Blessing of the Fleet on Bayou Dularge
It was a little too rainy and windy for the boat parade during the annual Blessing of the Fleet on Bayou Dularge. The crab boil fundraiser (all donated by the crab fisherman) went on as planned but a modified blessing ceremony led by the Rt. Rev. James Brown...
St. Michael’s Lifts Up Families Just Like Yours | St. Michaels Episcopal Church
Posted on July 15, 2017 by W.T. Branton When you were a kid, you’d probably be excited if you were invited to a week-long stay with other families with a bounce house, snacks, and other kids to play with. One little girl who stayed at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in...
Giving Mothers a Break at St. Mark’s
St. Mark's, Harvey, is a Community Mission Appeal (CMA) grant recipient. Your donation to the CMA fund is helping churches, like St. Mark's, provide important and life-changing community ministry. Click here learn more about CMA. Make a donation to the Community...
Christ Church Parishioners Teach CEEP Students to Love One Another
Christ Church, Covington, is a Community Mission Appeal (CMA) grant recipient. Your donation to the CMA fund is helping churches, like Christ Church, provide important and life-changing community ministry. Click here learn more about CMA. Make a donation to the...
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