News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Photographs: Ordination of Bobby Hadzor to Sacred Order of Deacons
The Rev. Bobby Hadzor was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Wednesday, May 17 at St. Augustine's, Metairie. He will serve as a deacon at St Augustine's, as well as continue to work as the chaplain at Trinity Episcopal School in New Orleans. Later this year he...
Christ Church Pilgrimage to Molokai
The Rev. Bill Miller shared reflections and photographs from the pilgrimage parishioners from Christ Episcopal Church, Covington, went on to Molokai in April. Come walk in the footsteps of Father Damien and Mother Marianne. Follow Father Bill's Facebook posts below....
Clergy Day at Christ Church Cathedral
The clergy gathered at Christ Church Cathedral on May 3 for a day of fellowship. The guest speaker was Canon David Lowery who led a group discussion on effective pastoral care as a key to church growth.
Photographs: Installation of the Rev. Ashley Freeman, Rector, St. Patrick’s
On Tuesday, May 2, the people of St. Patrick's, Zachary, celebrated the installation of their rector, the Rev. Ashley Freeman. The Rev. Rob Courtney, the rector of St. Paul's in New Orleans, was the preacher. Bishop Morris Thompson was the celebrant. During the...
St. Martin’s Celebrates 75 Years
On Sunday, April 30, St. Martin's, Metairie, celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of the church. It was a stormy day but that did not dampen the spirit. An outdoor picnic was still held in the parking lot under a tent. Music was provided by Marshland....
Photo Gallery & Resources: Prison Ministry Conference
Facebook Post Feed and Resources from the Conference: One interesting resource...
Photograph Gallery: Chrism Mass
Processional of the Chrism Mass at Christ Church Cathedral. #holyweek #chrismmass A post shared by Episcopal Diocese of...
Facebook Posts: Holy Week Around the Diocese
Church of the Annunciation Holy Saturday was an interlude for fellowship and reflection. We had crawfish on the lawn, followed by lighting of the... Posted by Church of the Annunciation on Saturday, April 15, 2017 Chapel of the Holy Spirit, New Orleans Keeping...
Facebook Posts: Palm Sunday Around the Diocese
Christ Episcopal Church, Covington What an extraordinary Palm Sunday: The Sunday of the Passion! Thank you Chesha Oliver for many of these great photos!Posted by Christ Episcopal Church, Covington, La on Sunday, April 9, 2017 Chapel of the Holy Spirit, New...
Facebook Posts: Easter Around the Diocese
All Saints Episcopal Church, River Ridge It was a lovely candlelight service at All Saints tonight. Join us at 8 or 10 am to celebrate Easter. #theepiscopalchurchwelcomesyou #theepiscopalchurch #iamepiscopalian #ᴇᴀsᴛᴇʀsᴜɴᴅᴀʏ A post shared by All Saints Episcopal...
Walking to Jerusalem with Christ Church, Covington
by Karen Mackey, Communication Coordinator, Diocese of Louisiana As the last piece of king cake lingered in the kitchen and brightly colored Mardi Gras beads hung from every tree limb and fence post, the clock struck midnight on February 28 signaling the end of...
Social Media Challenge for the Month of April
Challenge for the month of April (but you can start now). Tell your friends what inspires you about the Scripture you read. If you can, use one or all of the following hashtags #jesusmovement #episcopal #EDoLA and the name of your church. Bonus: Help a friend get...
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