News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Facebook: New Life for the Altar at All Souls
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Thursday, March 23, 2017
St. Augustine’s Bookstore to Close in May
Since 1982, the St. Augustine's Bookstore in Metairie, has been a resource for people interested in deepening their spiritual lives, for congregations needing prayer books and hymnals, for clergy urgently requiring the latest liturgical calendar, and all manner of...
New Diocesan Congregational Consultants Team- Congregational Consultants for Communication & Technology
A new Diocesan Congregational Consultants team has formed to assist parishes with all matters related to communications and technology. The goal of this team is to provide support and training to churches and individuals throughout the diocese one how to share the...
Bishop Returns from Sabbatical in April
Bishop Thompson's three-month sabbatical is coming to an end. His staff and the entire diocese is looking forward to his return at the beginning of April. Until then, please continue to keep him and his wife Rebecca in your thoughts and prayers. Even on his...
Facebook: Grace Memorial Lenten Grace Baskets
A ministry during Lent is donating “Grace Baskets”. This is a laundry basket of cleaning supplies that are given to...Posted by Grace Memorial Episcopal Church on Thursday, March 16, 2017
Facebook: The Flood Work Continues (Grace Church, St. Francisville)
The flood relief work at Grace Church, St. Francisville, continues with teams from across the country coming to...Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Facebook: Grace Church Honduras Mission Trip
Some of the pictures we took in our Grace Mission Trip to Honduras to build Iglesia Cristo Rey, in El Carmen, a small village in San Nicolas, Copán State.Posted by Grace Church of West Feliciana on Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Facebook: Church of the Holy Communion Gumbo-to-Go
Thank you to everyone who helped make our first Gumbo-to-Go this Lent a resounding success!Posted by Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion on Friday, March 3, 2017
Facebook: View from the Cathedral Bell Tower
"When Morning Gilds the Skies" Sunrise from the bell tower #cccnola #featuredphoto #goodmorningsunPosted by Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans on Friday, March 17, 2017
Saint Anna’s Episcopal Church New Orleans – Asset Based Community Development aka “Communion”
"When I first heard the phrase “Asset Based Community Development” I rolled my eyes and wondered what that really meant. At this point I have given a couple of talks on “Asset based community development” and I believe that I am finally understanding what it means. It...
Anna’s Place NOLA – Redbean Madness Fundraiser
The Red Beans Parade is supporting Anna’s Place NOLA and Make Music Nola with their fundraiser “Bean Madness”, a 64 restaurant tournament to see which New Orleans restaurant has the best red beans! It’s just like college basketball’s March Madness Tournament – but...
Photographs: Happening #78
Photograph by Annie Jung Happening #78 was held at the Solomon Episcopal Conference from March 10-12. Happening is a youth-led spiritual formation weekend designed for high school teens. It is an amazing experience that changes the way they think about themselves and...
Trinity Wall Street Spring 2017 Mission Trip to Louisiana
From March 9-12, eight people from Trinity Wall Street returned to New Orleans for a mission trip. They volunteered at St. Mark's, Harvey, to work on projects around the church. They also traveled to St....
Deacons Gather for Fellowship and Ministry Planning
photograph and article by Deacon Jay Albert, MM On Saturday, March 4, our Diocese of Louisiana deacons gathered for a communal dinner and fellowship at Archdeacon Cindy Obier and her husband Bob’s home for a delightful meal and sharing time. Deacon Cindy has been...
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