News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
UBE Opening Eucharist includes confession of the sin of racism
[Union of Black Episcopalians] The opening Eucharist service of the Union of Black Episcopalians annual conference, held July 31 at Christ Church Cathedral in New Orleans, Louisiana, commenced with an acknowledgment and confession of the sin of racism. Bishop of...
A Crisis of Affordability in New Orleans and Nation | Jericho Road Episcopal Housing Initiative
This article was orginally published here first: A Crisis of Affordability in New Orleans and Nation Join Jericho Road on A Journey! Now in our 10th year, we believe it is vital that we provide context around the challenges of homeownership not only in New...
The Challenges of Homeownership in New Orleans | Jericho Road Episcopal Housing Initiative
This article was originally posted here first: The Challenges of Homeownership in New Orleans Join Jericho Road on A Journey! As we approach our 10th Anniversary, we believe it is vital that we provide context around the challenges of homeownership in the New Orleans...
LSU Lead Study Gets Assistance From Episcopalians in New Orleans
Deacon Postulant Joey Clavijo recently organized a group of Episcopalians to hand out literature from the LSU School of Public Health to encourage residents of the Gentilly Neighborhood of New Orleans to enroll...
Video: Jericho Road
[Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs press release] On Thursday, July 21, Thursdays at 2 features Jericho Road in Louisiana, an Episcopal Housing Initiative. The video is available here and is also available closed-captioned. Thursdays at 2 is a weekly preview...
Prayer Services in Baton Rouge
There are several prayer services in Baton Rouge on Wednesday, July 20 to pray for the community and the police officers who were injured and lost their lives on Sunday. St. Luke's (8833 Goodwood Blvd, Baton Rouge) 5:30 PM- This Wednesday's regularly scheduled Healing...
Clergy Transitions (July 2016)
Deacon Quin Bates retired from active ministry at St. Andrew's Church, Bayou Dularge, on July 7, 2016. Deacon Quin was ordained in 2005 and previously served as deacon at St. Mark's, Harvey. The Rev. Jane-Allison Wiggin-Nettles is a new clergy person in our diocese....
Living Generously
by Joey Clavijo, St Georges Episcopal Church, New Orleans Psalm 112 speaks eloquently about "living generously." It defines generous living as being gracious, merciful and righteous. To live in such a way, we are to conduct our lives with justice. Generous living is...
Save The Date: 75th Anniversary of Camp Hardtner
An invitation from our friends at the Diocese of Western Louisiana. Many people from our diocese have enjoyed spending time at Camp Hardtner. Save the Date for this fun day to celebrate Camp Hardtner.
In the Ruins of the Monastic City at Glendalough
Photograph from Marsha Wade- In the ruins of the monastic city at Glendalough, founded by St. Kevin in the 6th century. The boulders are all that remains of a cell or stone hut where St. Kevin spent his days and nights in prayer. A group of pilgrims from the Episcopal...
Unchaining Ourselves With Love, Hope, Compassion: Reflections on the Rally in Baton Rouge
by Lindsey Ardrey, Co-chair, Racial Reconciliation Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana Good things rarely make the news. On Sunday, July 10, the Racial Reconciliation Commission participated in a Baton Rouge youth-led march from the Wesley United...
Religious leaders respond to Alton Sterling shooting | WBRZ Baton Rouge
Working together to heal deep wounds in Baton Rouge. Episcopal clergy along with other faith leaders gathered at this important meeting to pray and listen. July 14, 2016 7:15 PM in News Source: WBRZ By: Natalia Verdina The scene of the deadly shooting of Alton...
Rector Search: St. Margaret’s, Baton Rouge {Call Made 8/21/16}
Parish Profile: St Margaret's Parish Profile Final 6-25-16 OTM Ministry Portfolio: St. Margarets OTM We are a small congregation in Baton Rouge, Louisiana currently searching for our eighth Rector.
Rector Search: St. Patrick’s, Zachary (Call Made)
Parish Profile: St. Patrick's Profile St. Patrick's, Zachary is a pastoral sized congregation located in a growing community just north of Baton Rouge. Zachary has had the number one school district in the state for over 10 years. It is a growing community that has...
Rector Search: Church of the Holy Communion, Plaquemine (Call Made)
Parish Profile: Plaquemine Rector Search (pdf) The Church of the Holy Communion in Plaquemine, Louisiana, is a small church with many of the large church advantages. Our congregation is a closely-knit family oriented group with a median age of approximately fifty...
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