News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

Send Us Out to Be Faithful Witnesses

This July issue of Churchwork is the second in a four-part series on how we in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana are living out the First Mark of Mission--To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom. About this issue: In one of our post-communion prayers (Book of Common...

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Alton Sterling

Dear Sisters and Brothers, As I turned on the television yesterday evening, my heart sank as I listened to the story of Alton Sterling being shot by two police officers in Baton Rouge. I have found myself deeply disturbed by the video of this encounter and while many...

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Something in Our Water

by Joey Clavijo, Deacon Postulant, St. George's, New Orleans,  Schedule on Sunday, July 17 (weather permitting): 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist at St. George's, 4600 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans After Eucharist: Brief meeting to train volunteers 9:00 AM Leave church to go to...

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Fleece for Police

by Becky Williams, RN, St. Luke's, Baton Rouge Can you imagine experiencing a trauma such as a car accident, being the victim of domestic violence, or an act of violence, or having the police come to your door...

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by Maria Elliott, Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans I came that you may have life, and have it abundantly.  - John 10:10 This article is the first of what we- members of your Stewardship Congregational Consultants - hope will be many articles on the subject of...

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Clergy Transition (June 2016)

The Rev. Henry Hudson retired from Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans, on Sunday, May 29. He has served as rector since 2007. Deacon Camille Wood retired from active service at St. Patrick's. Zachary. She was appointed by Bishop Thompson to serve, subject to...

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1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511

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