News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Tekoa, Church of the Nativity, Peace Center, and Separation Wall
Finally - decently well-rested, our group had breakfast around 6:30 today and left at 7:30 for Tekoa, the home of the prophet Amos (one of the twelve minor prophets.) Tekoa is an Israeli settlement in the Palestinian area of Judea's mountains and so the drive was...
Namoura / Kullaj / Warbat – THE Most Fabulous Dessert!
WARNING: You may make this dessert and never stop making it. ADVICE: Send some to me, I'll help you do away with it! Kullaj is a Middle Eastern dessert that is FABULOSITY itself! It is also called Namoura and Warbat and consists of phyllo dough stuffed with a cheese...
You Are a Gift
[Episcopal Church Foundation - Vital Posts] So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built upuntil we all reach unity in the faith and in...
Western Wall, Dome of the Rock, and the Israel Museum!
Today began with breakfast at 5:30. This was because, in spite of the expected cold snap of 95 degrees, we wanted to hit the cooler part of the morning and to avoid traffic. With Ramadan tomorrow, there were rumors of troubles at some public sites, including the Dome...
#EDOLA5G – Our First Day Exploring Jerusalem
Today, after morning prayers at St. George's Cathedral, our pilgrims watched a short program about the dwindling number of Christians in the Holy Land. Then, we heard a fascinating lecture by John Peterson on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre / The Church of the...
Awamat / Awwamaat and Jelabies: RECIPE
Sooooooo, check out these lovelies! Awamat (also Owamat, Awwameh, Awwamaat, and many other variations.) I saw these last night while walking from the Damascus Gate through a market / shop area and they reminded me of having seen them in India, Nepal, and...
Arrival Day in Jerusalem!
We left last night, delayed quite a long time, but happy to finally take off! Everyone was very tired, but in great spirits as we ate dinner en route. Some drifted off to sleep and some watched movies. After landing in Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, we located our...
Talking Disaster Preparedness with WRBH Radio
On the first day of Hurricane Season, Karen Mackey, Communication Coordinator of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, talks with Lyn Koppel of WRBH Radio in New Orleans about disaster preparedness and Episcopal Relief and Development's "A Season Resilience". Listen...
The Bread of Life
[Episcopal Church Foundation - Vital Posts] This Easter Day, once again, I explained the change to the congregation. “We’re using real bread today, and we’ll do so throughout this fifty-day-long season. For those of you more accustomed to wafers, you’ll see what we...
The 400-lb Gorilla in the Room
[Episcopal Church Foundation - Vital Posts] We should talk about the 400-pound gorilla in the room. That and a four-year-old boy. In case you’ve been in silent retreat on a desert island without wifi, newspapers, or a message in a bottle, here’s the recap: Last...
A Journey to the Holy Land 2016
Tomorrow we leave for our diocesan pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers. We are looking forward to being united in this special time and place, both in the world and in our lives. When we arrive in Tel Aviv, we will transfer to...
June 2016 Editor’s Letter: Transitions and Change
[Episcopal Church Foundation - Vital Posts] Change can be difficult. For church leaders – and others in the congregation – change may be particularly difficult when we say goodbye to a beloved rector or parts of our church life we have grown accustomed to. What...
Changes to Safeguarding Policy
One of my responsibilities as Canon Missioner is to oversee our diocesan Safeguarding God's Children program. This program is immensely important to the life of our diocese and I appreciate your participation over the years. After visiting with many clergy and...
Preparing for Hurricane Season 2016 (Week 5) – Things to do the First Week of June
Ready or not...hurricane season is officially starting this week (June 1). In the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana we are in week five of Episcopal Relief and Development’s “A Season of Resilience”. What we like about this program is that it breaks down the three key...
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