News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

Registrar, Clerk, Or Secretary?

[Episcopal Church Foundation - Vital Posts] Our by-laws stipulate that one of the officers of the vestry is a person called ‘registrar.’ This person records minutes of vestry meetings and makes them available to the group. “[S]hall keep or cause to be kept true and...

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The Speed (or Lack Thereof) of Change

[Episcopal Church Foundation - Vital Posts] The conversation about building a parking lot began before I was born. And while I’m not ready for the pasture, I, sadly, no longer qualify as spring chicken. Welcome to church time, which runs apace with glaciers. I wonder...

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Healthy Uncertainty

[Episcopal Church Foundation - Vital Posts] Imagine yourself in these scenarios: It’s about 15 minutes before your Sunday morning service and an acolyte hasn’t shown up. What do you do? The end of the year is nearing and there’s a small budget shortfall. What’s the...

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Improv Worship

[Episcopal Church Foundation - Vital Posts] Here’s what Sunday reality looks like on the ground where I am: increasingly unpredictable. Our English services -- representing the legacy congregation of our historic parish -- are getting smaller by the year. There are...

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2016 ECW Honored Women

      The 20th Presentation of Honored Women by the Episcopal Church Women in the Diocese of Louisiana. Recognized for their ministry and service in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Acknowledged at the 129th ECW Annual Gathering on April 23, 2016...

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#WearOrange on June 2

The noise around gun violence is loud. Orange is louder. Join us and #WearOrange on June 2nd. Bishops United Against Gun Violence (Bishop Thompson is a member) recently became a partner in the Wear Orange movement. The goal of the movement is to inspire as many people...

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1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511

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