News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
A Virtual Christmas in the Diocese
It was a beautiful Christmas in the Diocese of Louisiana. Churches across the diocese held services both in-person and virtually. From singing "Silent Night" to listening to stirring sermons to watching creative choir anthems, here are screenshots of virtual Christmas...
Addiction and Responsibility
by the Rev. Seamus Doyle, member of the Addiction Recover Ministry As I talk to clergy and other professionals about addiction and recovery, there seems to be the impression that “alcoholics are not responsible.” What we have to keep in mind is that those who...
Addiction: What is it?
by the Rev. Dr. Seamus Doyle, member of the Addiction Recovery Ministry So, what’s your new addiction since COVID19? Reading? Running around the house? Video games? Bible reading? Ah, sure don’t we all have an addiction and some of them are harmless? Well, it...
The 24th Presentation of Honored Women of the ECW
Pictured: (RIght) Marcie Anthony-Courtney and (left) Dianne Gill. The 24th Presentation of Honored Women By the Episcopal Church Women In the Diocese of LouisianaRecognized for her ministry and service in the name of our Lord Jesus ChristAcknowledged at the 133rd ECW...
Photographs: 183rd Annual Convention
The 183rd Annual Convention was held virtually via Zoom and broadcasted from the Gibbs Family Center for Innovation and Design at St. Martin's Episcopal School, Metairie. Below are a few photographs submitted by delegations and of the diocesan staff. St Augustine's,...
Photographs: Saying Goodbye to the Very Rev. Richard Easterling
On Sunday, October 25, 2020, the people of St. George's, New Orleans, said goodbye to their rector, the Very Rev. Richard Easterling. He has accepted as call to serve as priest-in-charge of St. James in Florence, Italy. Below you will find photographs from his last...
Photographs: The Rev. Robert Beazley Installed as Rector of St. Michael’s, Mandeville
On Saturday, October 31, 2020, the Rev. Robert Beazley was installed as rector of St. Michael's, Mandeville. Below are photographs from the Celebration of New Ministry. Celebrant: The Rt. Rev. Morris K. Thompson, Jr; Preacher: The Rt. Rev. James Brown; Litanist: The...
Moral Leadership in the Garden: Keynote Address
The Keynote Address of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori to the 183rd Annual Convention. You have all been very much in my prayers as storms have blown and drenched this...
Assisting Hurricane Laura Evacuees in New Orleans
by the Rev. Robert Beazley, Disaster and Response Coordinator, Diocese of Louisiana For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you...
Support for the Solomon Center
Watch this beautiful video of the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center and then scroll below to make a donation today. SECC needs our financial support now more than ever. The Solomon Episcopal Conference Center is the...
Coins for Christ Raised Joy and $2,207 for UTO
by the Rev. Ashley Freeman, St. Patrick's, Zachary Long ago, in the distant past of Advent 2019 and early 2020, before the world faced the COVID19 pandemic, four of the parishes in the Diocese of Louisiana decided to have a friendly competition. St. Augustine’s,...
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