News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

A Virtual Christmas in the Diocese

It was a beautiful Christmas in the Diocese of Louisiana. Churches across the diocese held services both in-person and virtually. From singing "Silent Night" to listening to stirring sermons to watching creative choir anthems, here are screenshots of virtual Christmas...

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Addiction and Responsibility

by the Rev. Seamus Doyle, member of the Addiction Recover Ministry As I talk to clergy and other professionals about addiction and recovery, there seems to be the impression that “alcoholics are not responsible.”  What we have to keep in mind is that those who...

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Addiction: What is it?

by the Rev. Dr. Seamus Doyle, member of the Addiction Recovery Ministry So, what’s your new addiction since COVID19?  Reading? Running around the house? Video games? Bible reading? Ah, sure don’t we all have an addiction and some of them are harmless? Well, it...

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Hurricane Laura Assistance

To my brothers and sisters in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, I am grateful to God for our safety as well as your eagerness to respond to those in need. As I hear from our neighbors to the west, wind damage is far greater than the anticipated storm surge. In this...

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1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511

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