News from the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

A Pastoral Letter on COVID -19

July 27, 2020 A letter to the good people of the Diocese of Louisiana “Have mercy on me, O God, for my enemies are hounding me;All day long they assault and oppress me. They hound me all the day long;Truly there are many who fight against me, O Most High. Whenever I...

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June 2 Clergy Call Recap

Dear friends, Thank you for your time this morning. I wanted to get this follow up out to you as soon as possible since much of this is time-sensitive with what is going on in the diocese and in our greater community. *Thank you to Katie Mears of ERD.  Please...

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Ascension Sunday Service 5.24.2020 Almighty God, whose blessed Son our Savior Jesus Christ ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things: Mercifully give us faith to perceive that, according to his promise, he abides with his Church on earth, even to the end...

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Share Your COVID-19 Pandemic Story

Share your COVID-19 experience with us. How has your faith sustained you through this difficult time? Where have you found God? Tell us about your experience with virtual worship? Were you able to reach out to serve others? Scroll down to view a few more writing...

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1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: (504) 895-6634
Fax: (504) 208-3511

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