Forward Day By Day – June 10, 2020

Years ago, I anxiously made my first confession. I didn’t want to—I was only doing it because it was part of a retreat I was attending. But the experience was so powerful that I have made confession a regular and important part of my spiritual discipline....

Forward Day By Day – June 9, 2020

Compassion shouldn’t surprise us. It should be more of a bare minimum rather than an extraordinary act that finally brings relief to our weary hearts. And yet a simple act of feeding hungry people is exactly the sort of thing that Jesus constantly uses to bring deep...

Forward Day By Day – June 8, 2020

Years ago, I was in Alaska during the summertime. There was about an hour or so of “mostly dark” each night, but in the peak of summer, the light shines almost twenty-four hours a day there. Blackout curtains allowed me to sleep, but on my third night there, something...

Forward Day By Day – June 7, 2020

One of my favorite images of the Trinity is called “The Hospitality of Abraham.” In this icon, Abraham and Sarah’s three visitors sit, reclining together around a table, with the food in a bowl in the center and eyes turned intentionally toward one another. I wish our...

Forward Day By Day – June 6, 2020

Cravings can be dangerous. Often, a craving isn’t simply something we want, but something we’ve convinced ourselves that we need. The problem with giving in to cravings is that we think they will make us happy. What things do we crave? Money? Having nic….(View...

Forward Day By Day – June 5, 2020

Jesus’ miracle stories are astounding and shocking. He heals the sick, casts out demons, and walks on water. But when we skim over the beginning of each tale to get to the miracle, we miss the juice of the story. The reason Jesus walks on water to the disciples to...

Forward Day By Day – June 4, 2020

From the Archives: May 23, 1946Some shadows are welcome and pleasant. Other shadows are anything but. When travelers struggle through the forest jungle, they sense possible danger lurking in every d….(View this reading and more resources for prayer at Daily...

Forward Day By Day – June 3, 2020

Everything about this story feels wrong. The king has no moral compass or spine. An underage girl is being manipulated by a murderous, spiteful mother. The guests hold the king to a promise that ends in the brutal murder of a prophet of God. Presenting John the...