Forward Day By Day – May 16, 2020

A family friend made his fortune and retired early. He bought and renovated a large cattle ranch, turning one of the dwellings into a Christian retreat center. At the entrance was the sign: “Welcome to Narrowgate.” Across the driveway stretched a cattle ….(View...

Forward Day By Day – May 15, 2020

Maybe you’ve heard it this way: “When you point at someone else, three fingers point back at you.” In other words, when you cast blame on someone else, you should also take stock of your own culpability. There’s usually plenty of blame to go around. ….(View this...

Forward Day By Day – May 14, 2020

From the Archives: December 3, 1942None of us believes that God wills war: it is contrary to the whole spirt of Christ, and we seek to banish it from the earth. But we do believe that God sometimes works in war, through bravery, sacrifice, a….(View this reading...

Forward Day By Day – May 13, 2020

Although I am not a biblical literalist, I wonder if this is one passage we are meant to take quite literally. I’ve been reading about the Art of Neighboring, an initiative that asks neighbors to move beyond platitude to authentic relationship. The...

Forward Day By Day – May 12, 2020

In the same way Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, we pray the Lord’s Prayer at most worship services. For me, the prayer is sometimes rote, flowing from my mouth as automatically as a blessing after someone sneezes. But at other times, the prayer is potent and...

Forward Day By Day – May 11, 2020

On my birthday, I hoped the lectionary would give me some sweet passage, the kind that turned easily into a Hallmark card or inspirational meme. Instead, we start with atonement sacrifices in Leviticus and end with this stern warning against swagger and preening in...

Forward Day By Day – May 10, 2020

Greta Thunberg doesn’t seem like a likely prophet. Yet at sixteen years old, she shamed the United Nations’ General Assembly for their unwillingness to take substantive and swift action to combat climate change, and she inspired millions of people to join the...

Forward Day By Day – May 9, 2020

It’s a lot to handle, this world. Angry, determined people stand firm and unwavering on all sides of every issue. In the United States, we are rocked to and fro by a vicious election season in which it feels like the only possible outcome is absolute victory or...

Forward Day By Day – May 8, 2020

Doesn’t it just seem like when it rains, it pours? A bad day at work ends with a fussy child and a grouchy spouse and a car with a suspicious rattle. Or a call from the doctor for an urgent follow-up comes the same week a valued friendship has gone off the...

Forward Day By Day – May 7, 2020

From the Archives: April 1, 1946 “Serve” is one of Christ’s own words. And where shall his servants serve? Right where he is, at home, those nearest him, his neighbor. Today we look upon a mos….(View this reading and more resources for prayer at Daily Prayer: A...