Forward Day By Day – May 6, 2020

Few things drive God crazier than stubbornness. More than forty verses in the Bible criticize the traits of a stiff-necked people—the hardened heart, the refusal to be led, the haughtiness of certainty. God knows—God knows—we are a stubborn people. We….(View...

Forward Day By Day – May 5, 2020

During college, I traveled to Israel to study the Holocaust and the role of the Righteous Gentiles, people who risked their lives to save those who had been targeted by the Nazis. I wondered: What compelled them to act? One afternoon, I visited the Dead...

Forward Day By Day – May 4, 2020

Whenever this bit about wives submitting to husbands comes up, I roll my eyes and tune out: Paul’s record is both laudable and tainted, and this seems to be part of the latter. But for a moment, let’s give Paul the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps Paul’s….(View...

Forward Day By Day – May 3, 2020

Pepper doesn’t like the gate. Our daughter’s horse is full of personality, doting at times and persnickety at others, but for some reason, the gate into the arena always spooks her. Our daughter competes in rodeos, racing on Pepper around barrels and po….(View...

Forward Day By Day – May 2, 2020

This passage sounds a bit like an IKEA instruction manual. Put the poles in slots A and B, the ark of the covenant on Panel Q, slide the mercy seat over rods #245 and #246. Every time I read this section of Exodus, I wonder about God’s purposes in the...

Forward Day By Day – May 1, 2020

We Christians are not always kind to one another. And when we are in the trenches, knee-deep in a capital campaign or mud up to our shoulders in program shifts or cultural change, we are often not our best selves. Somehow the snide comments and sharp elbows land a...

Forward Day By Day – April 30, 2020

From the Archives: December 30, 1996“What is original sin?” the twelve-year-old asked her grandfather. He replied, “It is something we all have in common. It is one of the things that hold us together.” ….(View this reading and more resources for prayer at Daily...

Share Your COVID-19 Pandemic Story

Share your COVID-19 experience with us. How has your faith sustained you through this difficult time? Where have you found God? Tell us about your experience with virtual worship? Were you able to reach out to serve others? Scroll down to view a few more writing...

Forward Day By Day – April 29, 2020

I hung on a cross next to his. Me, a criminal; him, an innocent man…and so much more. My punishment was deserved; his was not. He was hanging there, pierced by nails and thorns, pierced by the unseen wound of disbelief. But he forgave them…and me. The la….(View...

Forward Day By Day – April 28, 2020

I walk across the meadow into my sanctuary in the woods until I find the glade of ancient trees that rise and spread like a cathedral. Birds strike up a chorus, and I feel a mighty “Hallelujah!” welling up inside me. Looking up between the tops of the t….(View...