Forward Day By Day – April 27, 2020

Close your eyes for a minute and look at John the Baptist. A single dark fin cutting through the ocean of sand and scrub brush, sleepless eyes fixed on the horizon like a desert shark. Between bursts of angry shouting, he speaks about a messianic tide that will lift...

Forward Day By Day – April 26, 2020

I will always think of the road to Emmaus as the freeway to every corner of the universe. At the moment when Jesus traveled down its dusty turnings, there was no limit to where it could go. All the barriers and barricades are gone; the way to eternity is open....

Forward Day By Day – April 25, 2020

Weeds are paved over because they aren’t flowers—worthless because they lack blooms. Yet even the weeds feel the electricity of God’s love in their roots and so believe their way by faith up through the cracks in the sidewalk. Weeds push up toward the ….(View...

Forward Day By Day – April 24, 2020

I await the Spirit of truth, remembering everything I can of what Jesus said to me. I sit, watching and waiting on this hillside. I see the sky. I see the earth and the sun and moon, rivers and raindrops, fields ripe with holy harvests. I remember Jesus...

Forward Day By Day – April 23, 2020

From the Archives: February 12, 2014I’m not much, but I’m all I think about. So many decisions each day and most, if not all, of them are centered on self. Each of us has a set of scales constantly weighing the pros and co….(View this reading and more resources...

Forward Day By Day – April 22, 2020

I walk into the woods late one winter afternoon. Evening’s great sponge wrings out daylight quicker than I anticipate. Standing in a small clearing where the sun has just gone down, I hear the voice of a single star speaking softly. It is quite small, not...

Forward Day By Day – April 21, 2020

Returning to the grave in which we bury the fear of losing love, we discover that even the dirt has risen. We dig furiously with our prayers, throwing shovels full of devout and faithful words in every direction. Only when all our words are gone, and our...

Forward Day By Day – April 20, 2020

If I could—and what a leap of faith—I would see sherbet in the sky and children running along the edge of their lives carrying bowls and spoons to taste heaven’s sweet love, sand kicking up behind their heels like exclamation marks. Love would have no ….(View...