History of the Bishops in Our Diocese

Our diocese traces its roots to 1803 when 45 Protestants voted to form a new congregation (what is now Christ Church Cathedral) and the vast majority of parishioners voted Episcopal over Presbyterian and Methodist. It would take until 1838 for the Diocese of Louisiana...

From the Transition Committee

Hello from your Transition Committee! We are one of the three bodies tasked with finding, electing and installing the XII Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana. The Search and Nominating Committee will wrap up their work at the end of March by presenting their nominees...

Photographs: Feast of Our Lady of Suyapa

by the Rev. Ben Sanchez “Si nosotros los hondureños, salimos de nuestra nación, llevamos tu nombre grabado muy dentro del corazón.” So goes the song to Our Lady of Suyapa sung by our congregation in the processional hymn. We commemorated the feast day of...

Lenten Programs 2022

Please join us for one of these Christian education programs, services, and retreats happening throughout the Diocese of Louisiana this Lenten Season. Contact Karen Mackey kmackey@edola.org for additions or corrections to the list. A blessed Lent to you! Lent...

February 3 Update from the Search Committee

Bishop Thompson, the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana announced in March last year that he is retiring in November 2022. The Diocese includes the two largest metro areas in Louisiana, New Orleans and Baton Rouge, along with smaller churches from Innis to...

Bishop’s Staff Changes

Audrey ThreefootAudrey Threefoot, the diocesan archivist, retired from her volunteer ministry on August 9. For over 20 years, Audrey has answered research requests and cared for and preserved the historical documents and artifacts of the diocese. Her most notable task...

The Clericus: November 2021-January 2022

New Clergy in the Diocese The Rev. Annie Jung was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on December 15, 2021, at St, James, Baton Rouge. She will finish her last semester at Virginia Theological Seminary in May 2022. View photographs of the service here. Transitions...