Forward Day By Day – March 23, 2020

An unaccompanied woman with a demon-possessed daughter initiating a conversation with a strange man will prompt some controversial responses. Even Jesus is prickly. Then Jesus blows God’s love and healing power wide open, negating ethnic, political, and social...

Forward Day By Day – March 22, 2020

When Jesus heals the blind man who hasn’t asked to be healed, it is Jesus himself who interprets this healing with dialogue and commentary. He explains the need to do the works of him who sent me…as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world....

Forward Day By Day – March 21, 2020

Thomas Ken was born in 1637 in Berkhampsted, Hertfordshire, England—the same village where my grandmother grew up. Ken was an Anglican bishop, royal chaplain to King Charles II of England, and one of seven bishops who opposed James II’s Declaration of Indulgence....

Forward Day By Day – March 20, 2020

Earlier on this day, Jesus and his disciples are on one side of the sea of Galilee with a crowd of five thousand people. What Jesus blesses, breaks, and gives to meet the crowd’s need is a miraculous abundance of more than enough. The disciples don’t ha….(View...

Forward Day By Day – March 19, 2020

From The Archives: June 6, 1944What we call infinity in time and space is beyond our comprehension. Time is no more infinite in the dawn of the geologic past or in the millennium of the farthest prophetic future than it is now while you put into it what thoughts and...

Forward Day By Day – March 18, 2020

I met Sarah one summer, just as she began to process some horrible childhood events. We walked many, many miles together on those summer evenings. I listened as Sarah shared every last detail of her stories. With an ordained friend, we shared eucharist one evening. As...

Prayers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Prayers and meditations from the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. During these stressful times of the COVID-19 pandemic, we pray for peace and healing for our brothers and sisters across the world. May God’s peace be with you. Be well. April 11,...

Forward Day By Day – March 17, 2020

What God reveals in Jesus is not a new idea or something wholly different from ways God has acted before. God has been at the same work all along. Today’s psalm is full of the stories of God’s provision, compassion, and presence through history. In our g….(View...