Monday, March 16, 2020 | Community Ministry, Diocesan News, Message from Bishop Thompson
Dear Sisters and Brothers, I write to you in the midst of our historic health crises. It is truly difficult to comprehend the movement of the virus and the impact impeding us. We continue to monitor what experts advise and promptly implement new...
Monday, March 16, 2020 | Reflections
In reading this story about the privileged and the poorest, we have much to learn from both angles of view: one lesson is to comprehend the power of God in Jesus as generative and nurturing. Another perspective—as I heard one woman say—The beauty of standing up is...
Sunday, March 15, 2020 | Reflections
The theological dialogue between Jesus and this unnamed Samaritan woman is a beautiful example of the compassionate inclusivity of the One whose kingdom is coming and is already among and with us. Jesus engages with someone that his family and religio-cultural...
Saturday, March 14, 2020 | Reflections
Some of us in more “advanced” parts of the world forget the deep mystery of the miraculous, especially when it comes to healings and exorcisms. Mark describes four exorcisms and refers to many more, showing us the ways Jesus points to the cosmic battle with Satan....
Friday, March 13, 2020 | Community Ministry, Message from Bishop Thompson
Earlier today, Governor John Bel Edwards signed a proclamation that halts any gathering of more than 250 people until Monday, April 13th. I support the Governor’s proclamation. However, I would still like for a priest to be present during normal service times in order...
Friday, March 13, 2020 | Reflections
Jesus is telling us parables about how faith is planted and grown, fed mysteriously with the light, soil, and water of God’s being. The disciples hear these parables and are a part of the inner circle that hears the secrets of the kingdom explained privately....
Thursday, March 12, 2020 | Community Ministry, Message from Bishop Thompson
To My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: I write this letter as your chief pastor. For the past several months our news feeds have been inundated with reports regarding the coronavirus, or COVID 19. We have watched this disease spread from one country...
Thursday, March 12, 2020 | Reflections
From the Archives: January 20, 1982A great deal of what passes for Evangelism in America is in fact Revival. The author of Hebrews would not think much of this. Here, the author expresses the conviction that rehearsing the ABC’s of Christi….(View this reading...
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 | Message from Bishop Thompson, Reflections
This past Sunday’s gospel had to do with Nicodemus’ going to Jesus in the night. Nicodemus is the patron saint for curiosity. Several times he seeks Jesus because there is something this young rabbi Nicodemus wants/needs to know. He is curious enough to risk his...
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 | Reflections
Parables present us with glimpses into the kingdom of God, where the ordinary of our lives throws light on the extraordinary. Jesus says that his disciples know the secret gift of the kingdom; they see it in his miracles, hear it in his teaching, and feel it in his...