Forward Day By Day – January 31, 2020

In our desire to come out on top, we often try to drag God onto one side or another of our worldly squabbles. Things are not that different in Jesus’ day. Jesus flees the attempt by the crowd to make him into a worldly king just as he resisted this same line of...

Forward Day By Day – January 30, 2020

From The Archives: September 27, 1938 When there is a great thing to do, it is the great thing that counts. But though great things make up the rare crises in life, it is the long chain of little things that lead up and prepare the way for t….(View this reading...

Forward Day By Day – January 29, 2020

If you want to experience the truth of this verse, visit a nursing home. I spend time in one weekly, bringing communion and prayers to the residents.Wealth and poverty. Beauty and plainness. Prestige and humility. It’s all stripped away in the final stage...

Forward Day By Day – January 28, 2020

Jesus heals a man on the sabbath by the mystical pool of Beth-zatha. Beth-zatha means “house of mercy.” That name has to feel sadly ironic to the man ill for thirty-eight years, with no one willing to help him into the water.This episode unveils the great conflict...

Forward Day By Day – January 27, 2020

Olive trees are central to life in biblical times. Agriculture, the economy, and social life revolve around this sturdy tree and its fruit. Kings and prophets are anointed with its oil.The prophet Jeremiah likens Israel, when it was obedient to God, to a...

Forward Day By Day – January 26, 2020

Depending on which list you read, Christianity includes more than 33,000 denominations. However you slice it, Christianity is a pretty divided body.If we focus on our differences, we easily lose sight of our shared life of faith. Even within the same denomination, we...

Forward Day By Day – January 25, 2020

A goad is a pointed stick used to prod cattle in a specific direction. The more the animal resists the goad, the harder the cowpuncher prods it. To kick against the goad can cause serious pain or injury for the prodded beast.Saul’s life before his conversion on the...

Forward Day By Day – January 24, 2020

If we’re lucky, we find a church that is a good fit for our most natural style of worshiping God. I love my church. But however much I love my church, I must remember that the relatively short portion of my life spent within church walls is not the beginning or end of...

Forward Day By Day – January 23, 2020

From The Archives: December 26, 1954Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr, is a superb example of the far-reaching effects of a faithful witness to one’s belief and conviction. Stephen kept the faith at the cost of his life, and becaus….(View this reading...

Forward Day By Day – January 22, 2020

Growing up the son of a policeman, I learned to love the law. That’s appropriate. But unfortunately, I came to look down on those who had fallen outside the law. Once outside, I reasoned, there’s no way back in. It wasn’t until later, through some ….(View this...