Advent Services 2019

  Throughout the Diocese of Louisiana you will find a service to slow down and enjoy some time for quiet reflection this Advent Season.  For additions or corrections to this list, email Karen Mackey

Christmas Concerts 2019

Fill your heart with the spirit of Christmas. Below you will find a list of Christmas concerts found throughout the Diocese of Louisiana. All are open to the public. For additions or corrections to this list, email Karen Mackey

Forward Day By Day – November 30, 2019

The violin section is by far the largest cohort in a symphony orchestra, and it’s divided into two subsections: first violins and second violins. A young violinist may have to play “second fiddle” early in her or his career. Often, many career musicians have to accept...

Forward Day By Day – November 29, 2019

When we encounter a grammatical adversative—yet, but, however, nonetheless—we are tempted to discount everything that comes before it, particularly if what follows the adversative seems more appealing.There is a branch of Christian theology known as apologetics—the...

Forward Day By Day – November 28, 2019

In John’s Gospel, there is no account of the institution of the eucharist at the Last Supper. But John’s sixth chapter, the Bread of Life discourse, is no less eucharistic than the institution narratives in the other gospels.Through ordinary elements of ….(View...

Forward Day By Day – November 27, 2019

As a child, I learned about a country called Yugoslavia. Children today learn instead about Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Kosovo. National identities suppressed by centuries of empire building and colonization have...

Forward Day By Day – November 26, 2019

Without denying the abundance of God’s grace or God’s ability to act independently of human will or human behavior, English clergyman Martin Thornton contends that our growth in the life of grace is something we can take responsibility for through persistent, repeated...

Forward Day By Day – November 25, 2019

We often think of salvation in terms of the question, “Will I go to heaven when I die?” The word itself points to health and wholeness. (It’s the same root as the exclamation salud! when offering a toast.) Salvation also has meaning in the present. Notice...