Forward Day By Day – November 15, 2019

Antiochus IV Epiphanes is a ruthless tyrant, but his desire to create one people out of a diverse group who share the same real estate is not an inherently evil idea. Indeed, as we will pray on the last Sunday of Pentecost, our hope is that all of humankind will be...

Forward Day By Day – November 14, 2019

If we had a title card like the ones in the movies, today’s would read: “Three Hundred Years or So Later.” The Seleucid king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, is eager to “de-Judaize” Judea and Jerusalem. Some of the Jews are willing to accommodate or even collaborate with...

Forward Day By Day – November 13, 2019

The remnant of the children of Israel are hearing the Law of Moses read as if for the first time, and they weep—first because it offers them a spiritual identity—and then in repentance, they suddenly become aware that they have not been keeping the law while in...

Forward Day By Day – November 12, 2019

By using symbolism in a very sophisticated way, John the Revelator discloses a catastrophic future for a fallen state in terms of economic ruin. No fewer than three times in nine verses we read of merchants bemoaning the fall of Babylon the Great (Rome, in John’s...

Forward Day By Day – November 11, 2019

Today, we overhear a tense three-way conversation between Jesus, his disciples, and a group of Pharisees about the Law of Moses. Jesus’ point is that people should not be so…well…legalistic about the Law. Quibbling over fine points should not overshadow the purpose...

Forward Day By Day – November 10, 2019

Paul has been arrested on trumped-up charges, sent to Caesarea in protective custody, and is now on trial before Felix, the Roman governor. He’s trying to frame his argument in a way calculated to exploit the disagreement between his accusers on whether there will be...

Forward Day By Day – November 9, 2019

The exiles returning from Babylonian enslavement, under Ezra’s leadership, struggle to maintain their identity as a people and a nation. This involves some attitudes and practices—like avoiding intermarriage with their Gentile neighbors—that we might find off-putting...

Forward Day By Day – November 8, 2019

The lesser and unspecified details from this story in the life of Jesus invite all sorts of questions. What does Jesus hear that causes him to take a solo boat ride? Is it the news that Herod considers him a resurrected John the Baptist, or is it the news that...

Ministry Inspiration: Holy Hounds

by Kristen Wheeler, Christ Church, Slidell, and founder of Holy Hounds Ministry Who is Angela Basset? Angela Basset is a therapy dog who is trained to provide affection, comfort, and healing love to those around her. Whether you are in a hospital, retirement or...

2019 CMA Grant Recipients

by the Rev. John Pitzer, CMA Committee Co-Chair Let Love Open the Door, was the theme this year for the Community Mission Appeal. CMA, is a grant program to assist specific ministries in the diocese who are in need of financial assistance. The funds are raised from...