Thursday, August 8, 2019 | Reflections
The last sentence in today’s framing verse is one of the great biblical understatements of all time. David has perpetrated a complicated, power-abusing plot upon Bathsheba and her husband Uriah—because he desired Bathsheba. The greatest king in the history of Israel,...
Wednesday, August 7, 2019 | Reflections
It feels a little out of character for Jesus to sound so darkly apocalyptic, so cryptic. “Some of you,” he says pointedly, “will still be alive when the kingdom of God has come.” And Christians have argued ever since: What? Which of us?When? ….(View this reading...
Tuesday, August 6, 2019 | Reflections
Human babies love faces. When babies see joy and delight in those who love them, they learn how to be joyful and delighted. The way my parents’ faces reflected their love for me when they gazed at my babyself taught me the life-truth that I am loved. The light in...
Monday, August 5, 2019 | Reflections
Today’s passage from the life of King David speaks to the close, familial relationship David has with God. Remember a couple of days ago when we started reading about David declining to host the Ark of the Covenant? David feels it is unseemly for the Ark of the...
Sunday, August 4, 2019 | Reflections
All things pass away, and our priorities change over time. As we grow older, we realize that the toy at Christmas, the crush on that person, or the effort to make more money matter less than they used to. Not that those things weren’t or aren’t important—it’s just...
Saturday, August 3, 2019 | Reflections
For the next few days, we will read about King David returning from a military triumph and some of the decisions he makes in setting up his reign. He has named the new capital after himself and come into possession of the Ark of the Covenant—the most important...
Friday, August 2, 2019 | Reflections
Just a bit ago, Jesus was talking about sewers. And today we have one of the most infamous episodes in Jesus’ ministry: the day he calls a Gentile woman a dog. Go ahead and read all of our gospel reading for today. This is an actual conversation between Jesus and...
Thursday, August 1, 2019 | Reflections
One of the great failings of Christianity is the way we domesticate Jesus. We would do well to remember that Jesus is a guy who has a tantrum in the temple, curses a fig tree, and uses human bodily functions as object lessons. It’s tempting to gloss over this side of...
Wednesday, July 31, 2019 | Reflections
I read Henri Nouwen’s Life of the Beloved in my early twenties. Reading that I was precious in God’s eyes simply because God made me and I am God’s was revolutionary, even for someone who had grown up in church. I guess I had gotten stuck in some alternative...
Tuesday, July 30, 2019 | Reflections
The Avett Brothers sing a song that makes me think about the miracle of the loaves and fish. The song seems to be about trying to run from sin and shortcomings by moving from town to town. But every time I hear one particular lyric, it conjures the image of Jesus...