Forward Day By Day – July 19, 2019

Since moving to Seattle, I have come to appreciate a healthy protest. It’s in the DNA of this city to march in the streets. That civic identity has meant that I’ve had quite a few opportunities to witness and participate in this holy discipline. I recently...

Forward Day By Day – July 18, 2019

We follow the rules to the letter so we can wear the badge of God’s approval. Sometimes, I worry we follow rules so we can mentally and spiritually check out of hard conversations with God. If we observe the sabbath as appointed and follow all the written...

Forward Day By Day – July 17, 2019

Over and over again Jesus dares to sit with, speak to, or help the unwanted, the outcast, and the “unclean.” Each time they challenge Jesus for these actions, he puts doubters in their place, drops the mic, and stops the show completely. The Pharisees ….(View...

Forward Day By Day – July 16, 2019

I love my home in many ways: I enjoy cooking something satisfying and something filling and delicious, lighting a prayer candle, or putting on a favorite record that fills my space with sounds resonant to my soul. I have a great love for feathering my nest, bringing...

Forward Day By Day – July 15, 2019

I grew up going to summer camp at Shrine Mont, in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, referred to colloquially as “the mountain.” I experienced radical love and welcome—and the deep reassurance that I was indeed a child of God. As a young adult and a cabin counselor,...

Forward Day By Day – July 14, 2019

We want people to fall into neat categories so we can have mental shortcuts for how we treat them. Here’s the rub: There are no categories. Everyone is our neighbor. We have to be brave enough to scrape off the labels and forgo the categories we have created to make...

Forward Day By Day – July 13, 2019

This passage holds significance to me and my fellow Shrine Mont campers. One of the songs in our canon is “Me and Andrew,” which tells this story of Jesus naming his first disciples. As campers, we felt the potency of these words, even if we didn’t entirely understand...

Forward Day By Day – July 12, 2019

My terrier Oliver is a little guy. He’s pretty sturdy—he carries himself like a wrestler. He has a mouth on him, too. But even so, I feel the weight of love and the responsibility to keep him healthy and out of harm’s way. I keep Oliver under the shad….(View...

Forward Day By Day – July 11, 2019

I love the imagery here, suggesting a concerned parent who must save a beloved child from drowning. It has a palpable urgency. By his saving grace, God reaches for us in the moments we most need a rescue from the crashing waves and riptides. My depressive...

Forward Day By Day – July 10, 2019

Brené Brown researches and writes about vulnerability and shame. She talks about the importance of reaching beyond canned responses when our neighbor is in pain or anguish. That stinks…But it could always be worse, right? Many of us are uncomfortable with...