Tuesday, July 9, 2019 | Reflections
I can’t help but feel angry that the other disciples struggle in disbelief about the message these women share. Jesus foretells his death and resurrection, so hearing from these women that it has happened shouldn’t be perceived as an “idle tale.” These women have...
Monday, July 8, 2019 | Reflections
In place of “Their delight is in the law of the Lord” writer Stephen Mitchell adapts the phrase to: “They delight in the way things are.” I don’t particularly like rules or being told what to do, but I deeply identify with delighting in the way things...
Sunday, July 7, 2019 | Reflections
Once upon a time, I was an admissions counselor for my college alma mater. I knew my school was a special place, but I sometimes struggled with trying to convince others to participate in a community so dear to my heart. The possibility of rejection was...
Saturday, July 6, 2019 | Reflections
I am stunned by the faith of the “good” thief in this passage, the tenderness of his plea. In the darkest hour of his life comes this aching, dying wish. And I’m humbled by the poignancy of Jesus’ radical welcome, even as he faces his own death. I happened to be...
Friday, July 5, 2019 | Reflections
I’ve told myself this lie many times since moving from Richmond, Virginia, to Seattle, Washington. No one cares for me. I don’t have my family of origin, or the friends I know from grade school, college, or summer camp. I don’t have all my warm acquaintances from old...
Thursday, July 4, 2019 | Reflections
The holy mandate of loving the stranger is dear to my heart. I see clearly how it applies to immigrants and refugees, as well as the underserved and hungry in our communities. But I think it’s much harder to live this in the more ordinary moments of our...
Wednesday, July 3, 2019 | Reflections
Today we meet Simon, full of breathless enthusiasm for the miraculous healing he has witnessed and wanting the opportunity to join in the miracle business. Simon offers money, hoping he can fast track his way onto the apostles’ team. Simon lives in a world where money...
Tuesday, July 2, 2019 | Reflections
In the middle of a classically gray Pacific Northwest winter, it can be easy to feel unmoored. Bogged down in a heavy cerebral state, I often forget where my help comes from. I analyze my fog, forgetting the groundedness that is found in trusting God. After...
Monday, July 1, 2019 | Reflections
I am a generational church person. I grew up going to church and youth group and was devoted to attending my local Episcopal summer camp. Church was just a part of life—not something I ever felt the need to explain to people. When I moved from the Southea….(View...
Sunday, June 30, 2019 | Reflections
We read this portion of Luke earlier in the month, and we can see something new each time we open ourselves to the Word. Over the last two thousand years, there have been many efforts to make following Jesus more palatable and attractive. Some of these efforts have...