Forward Day By Day – June 19, 2019

We call them “leaps of faith,” and they represent the physical manifestation of risk, effort, hope, and belief all in one swift motion. Many of us find it easier to keep our feet on the ground, raising the same kinds of questions as the Sadducees. S….(View this...

Forward Day By Day – June 18, 2019

As a neurosurgeon, it is very easy to have an ego that gets in the way of being rightly related to God. Ego gets in the way of living a life that has God at the center because it wants to be the center. The psalm reading today makes me mindful of this fact. The...

Forward Day By Day – June 17, 2019

We could approach the parable of the wicked tenants in several ways, but I like to focus on the fact that the tenants do not actually own the land. They only work it, which reminds me of a hymn I love.We give thee but thine own,….(View this reading and more...

Forward Day By Day – June 16, 2019

When I think about the Creator of the universe holding me in one hand and pouring love into me with the other hand, everything else seems trivial. Sure, I have bad moments and go through difficult times, but I have God’s love actually pouring into my heart....

Forward Day By Day – June 15, 2019

The chief priests, scribes, and elders come to Jesus and ask him all sorts of aggressive questions. Why can’t they just stop for a moment and listen to the message Jesus presents? The reason: Pride, plain and simple. The good news Jesus consistently teaches strips...

Forward Day By Day – June 14, 2019

Jesus is both fully God and fully human, and in this gospel reading we see this description of him borne out quite well. As he draws near Jerusalem, Jesus weeps out of sadness and frustration at people’s blindness to what is right in front of them. The Living Word...

Forward Day By Day – June 13, 2019

Paul writes about the thorn in his flesh, which reminds him of his human frailty—but we still aren’t sure what he is talking about. Whatever this “thorn” is, Paul prays to the Lord for it to be taken away, but the answer he wants doesn’t come. God answers Paul’s...