Forward Day By Day – May 28, 2019

Giving birth, whether to a dream or new life, is both a glorious and painful process. The one giving birth must almost always endure some pain and discomfort, and experience some stretching in order to accommodate new life. Pressing through the labor pains of the...

Forward Day By Day – May 27, 2019

We all have friends on whom we rely for certain things and for certain reasons—the one who makes us laugh or has an encouraging word, the one we look to for guidance and advice, the one we can count on when the chips are down. Time and shared experiences help us to...

Forward Day By Day – May 26, 2019

Sometimes the only thing between us and our healing is the getting up part. Sometimes to get to our healing, we simply must get up and move. To get up and walk—off the mat of worry, fear, and self-pity, away from the pile of excuses we have pieced together and grown...

Forward Day By Day – May 25, 2019

We see so little when we look only with our eyes. We look at our earthly possessions and conclude we do not have enough. Jesus often describes the kingdom of God as something that starts out small but grows larger or becomes more mature. Such illustrations...

Forward Day By Day – May 24, 2019

In an age when electronic communication dominates, we are challenged to remember the benefits of human touch. A simple touch is so powerful that it can reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, and reduce stress hormone levels. Research shows that touch can make a...

Forward Day By Day – May 23, 2019

Some of us don’t want to follow Jesus too closely because of the perceived cost. We fear we may have to give up our lifestyle, relationships, comfort, status, or some other pleasure, and it will be too much. It’s okay to give up some Sundays, memorize some scripture,...