Prayers and meditations from the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. During these stressful times of the COVID-19 pandemic, we pray for peace and healing for our brothers and sisters across the world. May God’s peace be with you. Be well.
April 11, Holy Saturday – A Reflection on Peace and Healing in These Difficult TimesFather Rob Courtney offers a reflection on peace and hope on this Holy Saturday.Be well. May the peace of God be with you. Blessings on your Holy Week journey.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Rob Courtney is the rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in New Orleans.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Saturday, April 11, 2020
April 9, Maundy Thursday: A Prayer of Peace and Healing in These Difficult TimesCanon Shannon Manning reflects on the meaning of servant leadership on this Maundy Thursday evening.Be Well. May the peace of God be with you. Blessings on your Holy Week journey.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Canon Shannon Manning is the canon to the ordinary of the Diocese of Louisiana.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Thursday, April 9, 2020
March 27 – A Prayer of Peace and Healing in These Difficult TimesCanon John Kellogg reads the Serenity Prayer.Peace to you this evening. Be well.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Canon John Kellogg is the canon missioner of the Diocese of Louisiana and priest-in-charge of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Harvey
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Friday, March 27, 2020
April 10, Good Friday – A Reflection on Peace and Healing in These Difficult DaysFather Andy Thayer reflects on the meaning of Good Friday in the days of the COVID-19 pandemic.Be well. May the peace of God be with you. Blessings on your Holy Week journey.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Andy Thayer is the rector of Trinity Episcopal Church New Orleans.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Friday, April 10, 2020
March 26 – A Prayer of Peace and Healing for These Difficult TimesMother Morgan MacIntire and her daughter read a Night Time Prayer from the New Zealand Book of Prayer.Peace to you this evening. Be well.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Morgan MacIntire is the associate rector of Christ Church, Covington.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Thursday, March 26, 2020
March 29 – A Prayer for Peace and Healing in These Difficult TimesFather Bobby Hadzor reads the prayer “In Time of Crisis” from “Prayers for Pastor & People”Peace to you this evening. Be well.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Bobby Hadzor is the chaplain of Trinity Episcopal School, New Orleans.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Sunday, March 29, 2020
March 25 – A Song of Peace and Healing in Difficult TimesFather Jay Angerer and his daughter sing "Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord" based on James 4:10. Peace to you this evening. Be well.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Jay Angerer is the rector of All Saints' Episcopal Church, River Ridge.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Wednesday, March 25, 2020
March 22 – A Prayer of Peace and Healing During These Trying TimesMother Minka Sprague reads a prayer from Mishkan T'filah: A Reform Siddur. This is a prayer that is an adaptation of Michael Walzer's Exodus & Revolution.Peace to you this evening. Be well.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Dr. Minka Sprague is a retired priest in the Diocese of Louisiana. She is the former chaplain of Chapel of the Holy Spirit, New Orleans.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Saturday, March 21, 2020
March 21 – A Prayer of Peace and Healing in These Difficult TimesFather Watson Lamb reads the prayer Remember Christian Soul from St. Augustine's Prayer Book.Peace to you this evening. Be well.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Watson Lamb is the chaplain of Chapel of the Holy Spirit, New Orleans.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Friday, March 20, 2020
March 19: A Reflection on Peace and Healing in These Difficult TimesDean David duPlantier reflects on the Parable of the Prodigal Son.Peace to you this evening. Be well.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Very Rev. David duPlantier is the dean of Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Thursday, March 19, 2020
March 17 – A Prayer for Peace and Healing in These Difficult TimesJoin Canon John Kellogg as he reads a portion of St. Patrick's Breastplate (a Prayer of Protection)Peace to you this evening. Be well.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Canon John Kellogg is the canon missioner of the Diocese of Louisiana and priest-in-charge of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Harvey
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Tuesday, March 17, 2020
March 16 – A Prayer for Peace and Healing in Difficult TimesJoin Father Richard Easterling as he reads a prayer from the Ministration to the Sick.Peace to you this evening. Be well.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Very Rev. Richard Easterling is the rector of St. George's Episcopal Church, New Orleans, and dean of the Uptown Deanery.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Monday, March 16, 2020
March 15 – A Prayer for Peace and Healing in Difficult TimesJoin Father Jay Angerer as he reads Isaiah 61:5-7.Peace to you this evening. Be well. #Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLA The Rev. Jay Angerer is the rector of All Saints' Episcopal Church, River Ridge.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Sunday, March 15, 2020
March 14 – Prayer for Peace and Healing in Difficult TimesJoin Father Stephen Shortess as he reads from the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. Peace to you this evening.#Prayer #COVID19 #COVID19EveningPrayers #Episcopal #EDoLAThe Rev. Stephen Shortess is the priest-in-charge of St. John's Episcopal Church, Thibodaux, and Trinity Episcopal Church, Morgan City.
Posted by The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on Saturday, March 14, 2020